You can embed Mastodon posts in your website or blog by doing the following:
1. Log in through your server's website
2. Go to the post or reply you want to embed and click on it to show it in an enlarged view
3. Click ⋯ on the post and select "Get Embed Code"
4. Copy-paste the HTML code into your website or blog
Lots of common questions answered about this at:
If you have problems embedding, see the article for suggestions.
You can edit your posts on Mastodon, it's very easy:
1. Go to the post you want to edit
2. Click ⋯ on the post
3. Click "Edit"
4. Make the changes
5. Click "Save changes"
NOTE: Every time you edit, anyone who boosted the post will receive a notification about it. Also, previous versions of the post will be visible by clicking the post's "edited" link. These are to stop abuse through bait-and-switch tactics.
Lots more questions answered about editing at:
If you want to hide your Mastodon profile's follow and follower lists, here's how to do it:
1. Log in through your server’s website or web app
2. Click on your profile icon (your profile picture), then click "Edit profile"
3. Click on the "Privacy & Reach" tab at the top
4. Scroll down to the option marked "Show follows and followers on profile", and UN-tick it
5. Click the "Save changes" button at the bottom
Hey new people, you don't have to use the official Mastodon app! There are lots of other options you can use such as third party apps etc. Most people who try these alternatives usually prefer them.
Mastodon doesn't impose any particular app on you. You're free to use your account in whatever way works best for you. Here is a guide to all your options:
If you want to compare apps, you can be logged in with the same account on many apps at once.
i own now
#Fediverse, I need your help again!
tl; dr: I need a font maker software!
I'd like to convert my handwriting into a font for my research output, as I'd like to maintain my personal handwriting in my sketchnotes but I'd like the written notes to be text.
I'm already very familiar with vector graphics and lettering but never made a font so would love an open source/free font design software to start.
It is a REALLY good idea to write an introductory post about yourself and pin it to your profile. Pinned posts appear at the top of your profile page, and they also have a special ability to federate much more widely than ordinary posts.
It's very quick and easy to do:
Here's why it matters: there's a quirk on Mastodon where some profiles may appear blank to people on some servers, but profiles with pinned posts never look blank to anyone!
One of the most common questions asked by new people is this: "Why is this place on so many different servers? Why isn't it all on one server like other social networks?"
There are many important reasons why Mastodon and the wider Fediverse is spread out on thousands of servers:
Hopefully these reasons answer the question. I've tried to keep the explanations as non-technical as possible
its international women day go make out with women to celebrate
I've just updated the guide on how to make your Mastodon and Fediverse posts accessible to blind and deaf people:
Amongst other things, it now includes step-by-step instructions for adding alt texts.
Thanks for all the feedback about the previous version, hopefully this provides more info in a clearer way. Let me know if I've missed something or got something wrong.
(I also merged the blind and deaf guides as the media description process is identical.)
Today was the day!
@Tutanota and @Internxt installed.
Still learning the ropes. Hoping to transition as soon as possible.
Lacking a calendar widget, though.
Lacking a sync feature for my phone's pics.
Still dependent on the Android features connected with Google.
I'm I missing something? Help?
#WeLoveOpenSource #OpenSource #DeGoogling #fosstodon #Feditips #Hivemind #EuropeanAlternatives #EncryptedEmail #EncryptedDrive
You can remove followers without blocking them by using Mastodon's follower management system:
1. Sign in on your server’s website or web app
2. Click
3. Click "Follows and followers" (if you’re on a phone click ☰ and then "Follows and followers")
4. In the Relationship section click on Followers
5. Select the followers you want to remove
6. Click on "Remove selected followers"
More info:
This is also known as "soft blocking".