While I can't find a reference to it, I seem to remember that there is a clause in the title for this land that means it can never be built on, which may explain why it survives to this day when the last burial in it took place in 1857. Runing parallel to Keith Street is Purdon Street, which another remider of the life of John Purdon as it's named after him.
The former Quaker Burial Ground on Keith Street in Partick. Glasgow's smallest graveyard, it was donated to the Quakers by the local land owner John Purdon in 1711, and his wife, Margaret Simspon (known better known as Quaker Meg), was said to have been the first person buried in it. There are no headstones in it, not because they have been lost over time, but because historically Quaker burials were not marked in this way.
A medieval German-Jewish legend tells of a man who decided to make a violin out of a piece of wood intended for a coffin. The corpse appeared to him in a dream, begging him to desist, but the man went ahead. He soon fell terribly ill. The man's malady continued until his son chopped up another musical instrument, burnt it and scattered the ashes over the corpse's grave. #folklore #death #paranormal #graveyard #gothic #medieval #art #weird
Grab the New England Headstone Font: https://noctropolis.net/
Wir mögen Friedhöfe - nicht nachvollziehbar, warum sie oftmals schamhaft versteckt werden, gehören sie doch zum Leben, wie alles andere auch.
Passend zu #Allerheiligen also ein paar Friedhofsbilder. Hier in Ungarn ist es ein sehr wichtiger Tag: es wird gefegt, gepflanzt, bekerzt, im Familienrudel besucht, gedacht.
Day 30 of
Prompt: Graveyard
"Oh, when you go down all your darkest roads
I would've followed all the way to the graveyard"
A bizarre legend is associated with a tomb in Paris's Pere La Chaise Cemetery. In a mausoleum decorated with occult numbers and strange symbols, a 19th-century Russian aristocrat is said to lie in a glass coffin. A clause in her will apparently stated that anyone who could live alongside her in the tomb for a year would receive a payout of up to five million francs ($1 million in modern money). The contender was allowed to leave their gloomy lodgings just once a day 'to stroll among the tombs for an hour'. All who attempted the challenge were soon begging to be let out, claiming the 'vampire princess' was sucking away their lifeforce. My article: https://www.davidcastleton.net/baroness-demidoff-pere-lachaise-cemetery-paris-glass-coffin-vampire-russian-princess-will/ #Gothic #Halloween #Folklore #graveyard #death #vampires #Paris #weird #paranormal
Two background for CG art.
For Monstrous Desires #gamejam my role as CG assistant, so I help with the background while the other team draw the character in it.
Poltergeist Pizza (2024) [4 min] by Violet Schofield | #UK
Cemetery Cat.
A cemetery cat watches in the graveyard, fur highlighted from behind by moonlight on Halloween, while something moves underneath a broken gravestone.
[ Prints : https://james-mccormack.pixels.com/featured/cemetery-cat-james-mccormack.html ]
Graveyard with Cat in Moonlight, in celebration of Halloween.
Sketching new,old and abandoned graves, some pristine, some neglected . A cat ran ahead of me, then stood on top of a flat gravestone, outlined in light, casting a dark shadow.
My interpretation is of this scene at night, with a full moon.
[ Prints : https://james-mccormack.pixels.com/featured/graveyard-with-cat-in-moonlight-james-mccormack.html ]