One Shots: Weird place for an AirBnB but OK - the very best #MMORPG and #MMO-adjacent screenshots of the week, featuring Classic #GuildWars, #CityofHeroes, #ElderScrollsOnline, #Warframe, and #WoWClassic!
Let's try #portfolioday!
Hi, I'm a French translator from English and German into French. While I am not allowed to disclose my current projects, I have listed 3 of my latest projects below. Yes, I kind of like fantasy RPG
You will find the rest on my website:
You can reach me here or ask for my LinkedIn and/or email address.
Have a pleasant day!
Design Mockument: What should Guild Wars 3 look like?
#GuildWars #GuildWars2 #GuildWars3 #MMORPG
One Shots: The billiards of the universe - the very best #MMO and #MMORPG screenshots of the week, featuring #GuildWars2, #FFXIV, #ThroneandLiberty, and even Classic #GuildWars!
Here are the people who work(ed|ing) on the ( #GuildWars | #GuildWars2 ) (franchise|series) with an #ATmosphere account.
Additional tags: #gamedevs #gamedev #gaming #MMORPG #RPG #MMO #MMOG #Bluesky
Manchmal zwischen all den Kämpfen, Quests und Abenteuern findet man auch mal sowas in #guildwars2 . War super schöne #musik und viele Spieler die sich mit versammelt haben, einer davon war auch @fabiscafe .
#guildwars #GuildWars2gamefootage #guildwarswednesday #mittwoch #gaming #chill
[Other's] Charr's Paws!
Never got art of my main Charr- until now! Wanted to get some paws from the paw expert, and my Charr seemed fun! >:3c (His name is Cyrill, but I do want to change it XD)
By @wizlicos, requested from their Patreon!
Just a few weeks ago, the MassivelyOP team gathered round to speculate on what the Classic Guild Wars anniversaries might look like (and what we’d wish them to look like). #GuildWars
Guild Wars 2 | Roundtail Dragon Concepts
The Roundtail Dragon brief was to take the Jadebot skins from Guild Wars 2 and create a more draconic design.
I think they're pretty cute! What do you think?
HQ Artstation link:
Have you ever noticed how every MMO franchise seems to get to exactly two numbered installments and then stops, at most? #GuildWars
::: #Games / #Gaming :::
#Ankama: YourOnlyOne#7997
#Blizzard: YourOnlyOne#1116 (#WorldOfWarcraft, #StarCraft)
#Cryptic: laibcoms (#Neverwinter; #StarTrekOnline)
#GuildWars: Whitelight (#GW)
#GuildWars2: YourOnlyOne.4937 (#GW2: NA megaserver)
::: Chat and Collections :::
#Discord: (old: YourOnly.One#0873)
#Guilded: YourOnlyOne (a better Discord, try it!)
#Matrix (#Element): (case-sensitive; a room)
#Niantic Social: YourOnlyOne
#Ingress: Your0nlyOne YourOnlyOne
#Steam: YourOnlyOne