El compresor de isos de PSP que mejor funciona no tiene batch compression (que comprima del tirón mazo archivos) y hay que darle al puñetero enter tras comprimir cada ISO. Pero he encontrado una solución. #hacking
El compresor de isos de PSP que mejor funciona no tiene batch compression (que comprima del tirón mazo archivos) y hay que darle al puñetero enter tras comprimir cada ISO. Pero he encontrado una solución. #hacking
World’s Smallest Blinky, Now Even Smaller
Here at Hackaday, it’s a pretty safe bet that putting “World’s smallest” in the title of an article will instantly attract comments claiming that someone else built a far smaller …read more
#hacking #projects
Kali Linux 2025.1 Ethical #Hacking Distro Is Here with #Xfce 4.20, Refreshed Theme, #KDE Plasma 6 Support, and Major #RaspberryPi Updates https://9to5linux.com/kali-linux-2025-1-ethical-hacking-distro-is-here-with-xfce-4-20-refreshed-theme
A l'occaz des '"International Open Hackerspace Day" le Tetalab un petit événement sur Toulouse pendant lequel nous proposerons diverses tables rondes, ateliers et lives !
Merci de faire tourner !
Le programme : ci dessous
A friend asked me why, being a computer expert and knowing what I know about hacking and software, I don't want to use artificial intelligence on my phone and computer. I told him, "That's exactly why, because I know very well how these things work and I try to stay as invisible as possible."
The government has submitted a set of bills to parliament to introduce active cyber defense aimed at detecting signs of cyberattacks and taking preemptive actions. https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2025/03/18/japan/japan-cyber-defense-monitoring/?utm_medium=Social&utm_source=mastodon #japan #cybersecurity #hacking #sdf #cabinet #internet #diet
Fake-Sicherheitswarnung: Betrüger versuchen Github-Konten zu kapern
Sicherheitsforscher berichten über Angriffsversuche auf rund 12.000 Github-Repositories. Dabei wollen Angreifer die volle Kontrolle über Konten erlangen.
El lado del mal - Alcolea Party 2025: 21, 22 y 23 de Marzo (Sevilla) https://www.elladodelmal.com/2025/03/alcolea-party-2025-21-22-y-23-de-marzo.html #CON #Hacking #Ciberseguridad #Gaming #Expo #Formación #Tecnología
Wire Recording Speaks Again
If you think of old recording technology, you probably think of magnetic tape, either in some kind of cassette or, maybe, on reels. But there’s an even older technology that …read more
#hacking #projects
Here are my favourite 17 genders, some old and some new. I'm considering going through these books a second/third time over the next 1-3 years and maybe making a blog/git repo to explore some of the concepts and ideas a little more rigidly by combining similar chapters for example, modernizing and putting some of the practical knowledge in a single place grouped by topic with my own spin/tools on top etc #Blog #Ideas #Hacking
You Know Pi, But Do You Really Know E?
Pi Day is here! We bet that you know that famous constant to a few decimal points, and you could probably explain what it really means: the ratio of a …read more
#hacking #projects
CSOA La Enredadera de Tetuán, viernes, 14 de marzo, 17:30 CET
El desglose :
17:30: instalación de herramientas quien haya tenido problemas + set up
18:00: inicio charla (puntual)
20:00: free hacking con lo aprendido
- proxy ¿Qué es y por qué nos es útil?
- interceptar peticiones del navegador
- interceptar peticiones de app Android
- ssl pinning bypass
Herramientas para el taller de android
Hacktivists protest Musk and Trump by shutting down X for tens of thousands
The self-proclaimed hacktivist group Dark Storm on Monday is claiming responsibility for an ongoing outage impacting X to protest the social media platform’s owner Elon Musk and US President Donald Trump.
#CyberSecurity #Twitter #Musk #Hacking
Multiple outages at X caused by ‘massive cyberattack,’ Musk claims
Scale of attack suggests role of a country or "coordinated group," Musk claimed.
#Musk #Twitter #Hacker #Hacking #Cybersecurity
Ser o "teloneiro" de don Xosé Manuel Beiras dáme algo de vertixe. O 19 de marzo, en Vigo, o meu berce.
#Vigo #Galicia #EticaHacker #CulturaHacker #Hacking #Hackers
X en rade plusieurs fois aujourd’hui. Selon SpyoSecure, un site dédié aux cyberattaques, l'attaque aurait été revendiquée par le groupe de hackers Dark Storm Team. Il s'agirait d'une attaque en déni de service. C’est bien triste
Undocumented "backdoor" found in Bluetooth chip used by a billion devices
Gigabyte: Cuando el C# se convirtió en arma (y herramienta de aprendizaje) #c# #ciberseguridad #hacking #hacktivismo #maldev #malware