From the archives: An illustration I made inspired by love letters from an Anthology. This one depicts Ninon de l'Enclos who had written the Marquis de Sévigné a letter, where she breaks off they romance.
I have the idea to restart making drawings based on those love letters. Keep you posted.
Made in Talens ecoline and black Chinese ink.
Art 365/073: Sleep
Like this hen, I am not a morning person. #watercolour #watercolor #ink #art365 #DailyArt
Recent nature doodles in my sketchbooks
~The Young Rascals, almost
#Sketch #SketchBook #MastoArt #Art #Fineliner #FinelinerArt #Ink #InkArt #Linework #LineArt #Draw #Drawrch #DrawingPeople #PeopleDrawing #Portrait #PortraitDrawing #FigureDrawing #KleineKunstklasse #DailyArt #DailySketch
408 & 409/x (yesterday & today)
reference pictures from