@TonyStark This is a recording of Larry Kirwin's intro to his Celtic Crush radio program, Celtic Crush. His message on immigration is for all who have an Irish soul...
Happy St Patricks!
#StPatricksDay #Irish
Happy Saint Patrick's Day!
A lucky day handmade watercolor painting: https://karen-kaspar.pixels.com/featured/a-lucky-day-karen-kaspar.html
Mexican people love the Irish. Many #irish #immigrants joined the U.S. Army and helped invade #mexico, but switched sides when they saw #american soldiers massacring innocent Mexican civilians, becoming the Saint Patrick’s Battalion.
Any recommendations for a good resource to learn Irish for someone who knows nothing about the language?
Mastodon.ie is a Mastodon server intended for people connected to Ireland, but open to all who respect the server rules.
Freastalaí atá dírithe ar dhaoine a bhfuil baint acu le hÉirinn, ach atá oscailte do gach duine a urramaíonn ár rialacha.
You can find out more at https://mastodon.ie/about or contact the admin @mastodonie
Adding the finishing touches on our new JHI banner so we can march in the St. Pat’s for All
Today in Labor History February 22, 2004: Education Secretary Rod Paige called the nation’s largest teachers union, National Education Association (NEA), a terrorist organization. No teachers were killed or imprisoned for belonging to the union under the Bush administration, but the government did use the epithet to justify imprisoning citizens and non-citizens indefinitely without trial for being “terrorists.” And the 20-year “war on terror” that Bush initiated led to at least 900,000 deaths, according to Brown University’s Costs of War project (https://www.brown.edu/news/2021-09-01/costsofwar). However, Professor Catherine Lutz, co-author of report, called this a vast undercount. She said that “one has to multiply that direct death number… by an estimated two to four times to get to the total number of people – in the millions – who are dead today who would not have been dead had the wars not been fought.” This would put Bush up there with the top ten most murderous world leaders of the past 100 years.
Currently, the Trump administration is using the “terrorist” epithet to justify the mass deportation of immigrant “criminals.” In reality, they are going after anyone who doesn’t look “white,” including many who have never been accused of a crime. There have already been numerous reports of citizens and legal residents, including Indigenous people, being deported or imprisoned. Trump is also using the epithet to justify flying CIA spy drones over Mexico to surveil drug cartels, in violation of international law. And, in the future, he could start using armed drones to kill people accused of gang affiliation, whether they are in Mexico, El Salvador, or the working-class communities of major U.S. cities, like Los Angeles, New York, Chicago and Washington, D.C. Indeed, Todd Zimmerman, the DEA’s special agent in Mexico City, said that U.S. military action in Mexico was on the table (https://www.latimes.com/world-nation/story/2025-02-21/trump-militarizes-approach-to-mexico).
If the U.S. government did start targeting its own citizens as “terrorists,” it would nothing new. They are already calling pro-Palestinian activists terrorists, attempting to label all of them as Hamas symps, and threatening deport any who don’t have U.S. citizenship. They prosecuted and imprisoned numerous environmental and animal rights activists as terrorists in the 90’s and early 2000’s. In the 1960s and early ‘70s, they murdered numerous activists from organizations they labeled as “terrorists,” like the Black Panthers and American Indian Movement. And going back at least as far as the 1860s, they were falsely accusing Irish union organizers of being Molly Maguire terrorists, wrongfully executing 10 of them on June 21, 1877, the second largest single-day mass execution in U.S. history, after the 1862 mass execution of 38 Dakota Indians. Considering Trump’s goal of abolishing, or at least gutting, the Department of Education; his hatred of unions; and the anti-union objectives of Protest 2025; it is not hard to see the “terrorist” epithet again being hurled at teacher unions, and at all unions (except, perhaps, those that affiliate with a future pro-MAGA American Labor Front, like Hitler’s German Labor Front).
Or, we could just start arming teachers, as many on the right have demanded, and see where that takes us…
You can read more about the so-called Molly Maguires here: https://michaeldunnauthor.com/2024/04/13/the-myth-of-the-molly-maguires/
Today in Labor History February 17, 1906: The authorities arrested "Big Bill" Haywood and two others on trumped up charges for the murder of former Idaho Governor Frank Stuenenberg. Clarence Darrow successfully defended them, telling jurors, "If at the behest of this mob you should kill Bill Haywood, he is mortal, he will die, but I want to say that a million men will grab up the banner of labor where at the open grave Haywood lays it down . . ." The actual perpetrator was a one-time WFM union member named Harry Orchard, who was also a paid informant for the Cripple Creek Mine Owners' Association.
Haywood and his WFM comrades had been framed by James McParland, an agent for the Pinkertons Detective Agency. This was the same James McParland who framed dozens of Irish coal miners in Pennsylvania in the 1870s, whom he, and the media, had falsely branded as terrorists (Molly Maguires). Ten of them were executed in one day—the 2nd largest mass execution in U.S. history after the 1862 mass execution of 38 Dakota warriors. My novel, Anywhere But Schuylkill, is about one of these Irish miners, a teenager named Mike Doyle.
Read more on the Pinkertons here: https://michaeldunnauthor.com/2024/04/04/union-busting-by-the-pinkertons/
Read more on the Molly Maguires here: https://michaeldunnauthor.com/2024/04/13/the-myth-of-the-molly-maguires/
Pick up a copy of Anywhere But Schuylkill here:
Or send me $27 via Venmo (@Michael-Dunn-565) and your mailing address, I will send you a signed copy! (Shipping included)
#workingclass #LaborHistory #BigBillHaywood #IWW #WFM #union #strike #mining #socialism #clarencedarrow #pinkertons #mollymaguires #terrorism #racism #irish #books #novel #historicalfiction #writer #author @bookstadon
Binding the last 30 books in A Little Book of Brigid edition, a gift to 100 inspiring women who supportwomen in theircommunities. Who would you nominate? #Art #artistbook #brigid #books #handmade #inspiringwomen #womensupportingwomen #irishart #WomenRiseUp #empoweredwomen #irishwomenhist #irishwomenartists #letterpress #screenprint #bookbinding #copticstitch #handprinted #irishdiaspora #irish #brigidsday #brigid1500
This #cartoon was published in 1893 in Puck magazine
5 #GildedAge #American fatcats sneer at a recent poor #immigrant. Behind each fatcat is a shadow of their poor immigrant ancestor
Today many #Irish #Americans, #German Americans, #Italian Americans etc sneer at poor immigrants the same
Giving the hate their ancestors received
At one time anti-#Catholic hate in this country was off the charts: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-Catholicism_in_the_United_States
Same shit, different era
Little blog post about my anthology of #Autistic #Irish voices, in case anyone is interested @actuallyautistic
This book contains essays by 24 Irish autistic people from 18-71.
-Established writers
-New voices in writing
-Late diagnosed autistics
-People who moved here from other cultures
-People who went through special school education
-#LGBQT+ contributors
Wired Our Own Way; An Anthology of Irish Autistic Voices – niamhgarvey.com
@justafrog Bless the #Irish for running hard with the weak attempt from Israelis to insult them with #Paddystinian label. It backfired on the genocidal Israelis.
The Irish are making hats, shirts, other swag merchandise with Paddystinian printed on them. They're even more supportive of Palestinians now
[20:23] DART services suspended due to major signalling fault
Irish rail has said that all Dart and Northern Commuter services are suspended due to a signalling issue.
#Irish #Dart