【桃鉄3年決戦】マナーゼロの男 VS 鬼のマナー講師、地獄の桃太郎電鉄 https://www.playing-games.com/565786/ #badass #games #gaming #GamingTrending #laugh #samurai #TrendingGames #エガちゃん #エガちゃんねる #ゲーム #ゲーム攻略 #ゲーム最新情報 #江頭
#laugh 大致 春节后开发间爆发诡异病毒。现象是机器被拖得奇慢无比,编译一个exe需要一个半小时。而且这个诡异的病毒还挑人,包括我在内有8个人完全没中招。
找到的病根有些令人无语:微软新更新了部分服务器,不在IT的白名单[1]范围内,而微软的傻叉Win10系统一直在死循环重试。解决办法更令人无语:工具栏上右键–【资讯与兴趣】–无效 即可。
Let's take Starlink and SpaceX down !
#fun #party #laugh #conviviality
#TakeDownStarlink #TakeDownSpaceX
#laugh 今天朋友给我看一张她8个多月大女儿的照片,照片中小宝宝手拿着吃了一半的香蕉,撇着嘴在哭。 我很惊奇的问朋友,“她会吃香蕉呀?” 朋友回答:“是啊。” 我又问:“那她为什么哭得这么伤心?” 朋友的回答把我笑喷了:“穿得太厚了,她胳膊又短,吃了一半够不着了。”
#laugh 笑着笑着就哭了
So here's a very important and extremely existential question
What is the most beautiful minor matter in the world?
I think we should share, answer and read more funny things here
Have a nice evening
To all those who will move on to the most beautiful minor matter later
Today I was at work for almost four hours longer...
And why did I do that?
I had a great discussion with my colleagues from the day shift
I absolutely love it
Talking, laughing, learning new things...even at my age...
Don't ask about our topic...
#laugh 没大耳朵
#VicePresident #KamalaHarris' #Laugh Is A Powerful #Rebuke To #Trump And Other #Racists Like Him.
#DonaldTrump has found a #problem with her #penchant for a good #guffaw — but it goes deeper than that.
Many thanks to everyone who shared and fav Chelsea Handler's video so many times today
You are great
But her video is just so great
Just perfect
If someone wants to laugh and hasn't seen it yet
Everyone who wants to laugh must have seen this
Can't stop laughing...
I am dying....
I'm sure some of you already know this
But guys I can't stop watching this
Haven't laughed so hard in a long time
Her humor is just good, at least for me
Simply well done
Thank you Chelsea Handler
Everything said and so spot on, just perfect
"When you laugh you’re momentarily not in control; you might even reveal some part of yourself. This is what Trump and others on the right hate about Harris’s laugh: She thinks she has the right to laugh whether they like it or not, and not behind her hand with a little 'tee-hee-hee' but with real joy. That makes her 'crazy,' as Trump says; a woman who laughs must be a lunatic, or maybe a witch with terrifying powers."
Paul Waldman on why Kamala Harris' laugh enrages Trump and Republicans:
"Harris’ laugh clearly fills conservatives with fear; to paraphrase Margaret Atwood, men are afraid that women will laugh at them, while women are afraid men will kill them. …
A woman who laughs is letting go, experiencing pleasure; at least for a moment, she’s not concerned about pleasing or catering to or worrying about men."
#KamalaHarris #Trump #Republicans #laugh