are something simply negative
They limit oneself,
one's views,
one's world view,
his openness,
often in a very strong way
are something simply negative
They limit oneself,
one's views,
one's world view,
his openness,
often in a very strong way
hey! can it be true that we forgot to announce here that the #amro24 videos are finally online at @DORFTV ?? o.O
well here we go – enjoy
#AMRO #Linz #2024 #radical #openness #dancing #crossroads #doku
Das war sie: Unsere #TIBopenness-Themenwoche mit einem kleinen und hoffentlich für euch spannenden Überblick darüber, was wir an der #TIB so alles unter dem Obergriff #Openness tun!
Wir hoffen, euch hat der ziemlich bunte
Ein schönes Wochenende & nicht vergessen: Nächste Woche startet die #OAWeek (checkt dazu unbedingt den #TIBBlog-Beitrag von @StefanSchmeja: https://blog.tib.eu/2024/10/15/open-access-week-2024-an-der-tib)!
Wir starten heute in eine ziemlich ereignisvolle Social Media-Woche!
Unter dem Hashtag #TIBopenness nehmen wir euch mit auf eine kleine Reise & lassen ganz diverse #TIB-Kolleg:innen, -Services, -Projekte und -Bereiche (teilweise mit ihren eigenen Mastodon-Kanälen) hier zu Wort kommen. Sie alle tragen täglich dazu bei, das für uns als öffentliche Einrichtung so wichtige Schlagwort #Openness – Offenheit in der Wissenschaft – mit Leben zu füllen.
Los gehts heute mit dem Thema #OpenInfrastructures:
Ein kleiner Teaser am Freitagnachmittag: Am kommenden Montag startet hier (bei Mastodon) und dort (bei LinkedIn) unter dem Hashtag #TIBopenness unsere #OPENNESS-Themenwoche, in der wir verschiedene Kolleg:innen, Bereiche und Projekte der #TIB zu Wort kommen lassen.
Jeder Tag ist dabei einem anderen Schwerpunkt gewidmet: Wir starten mit #OpenInfrastructures am Montag und es folgen dann #OpenScience, #OpenData, #OpenEducationalResources (#OER) und #OpenAccess.
The Paris Conference on #OpenResearchInformation starts! Lots of people from institutions all over the world who signed the @BarcelonaDORI, like @tibhannover, exchanging ideas and best practices on how to move this important part of #OpenScience forward.
I was a huge fan of @mozilla@mozilla.social and #Firefox for years – to me, they always stood for #openness, #privacy, and a free #internet.
But ever since Laura Chambers took over, it feels like Mozilla is completely losing its way.
Instead of focusing on the #browser, they’re starting projects that have little to do with their core mission. Commercial partnerships are on the rise, and now they’re even shutting down their own #Mastodon instance. That was the perfect opportunity to push #decentralization and openness in the #Fediverse.
#Firefox used to be my go-to recommendation for privacy – but sadly, I can’t say that anymore.
Jetzt neu im oa.blog: #Openness an Hochschulen verankern mit dem OER Policy Kit
In dem Beitrag schreiben Silvia Czerwinski und Irina Hörmann über die Bedeutung von offenen Bildungs- und Lehrmaterialien für Hochschulen und stellen den den Handlungsleitfaden zur Entwicklung einer OER Policy vor.
(Bild: Roadmap OER-Policy Prozess von Frank Homp und Stefanie Legler lizenziert unter CC BY 4.0, Original ausgeschnitten und bearbeitet von Julian Schima )
#OpenScience #OER
For now, here's a debrief of the inaugural webinar by Ibrahim Khalilulahi Usman:
@YoSoyFreeman and if you read closely I don't think any apply.
It's just that learning and scraping can't be banned nor criminalized without literally breaking the entire world - because guess what your #Fediverse client and the servers on both our instances instances do:
They'll inevitably cache and store those contents regardless of whether or not I'd provide them with the rights to do so explicitly, because they are "technically necessary" and thus don't have to ask for permission.
Still, by the logic of yours, people would be as much subject to copyrights as programs and thus we'd still criminalize any learning from unlicensed sources...
Needless to say I'm not gonna defend #GAFAMs and other rentseeking asshole corporations, because I think #AI should be build upon #transparency and #openness and that we should feed it with permissively licensed source material only...
In fact, the lack of the latter and the absurdly high computational cost of building even a single neuronal net is why I don't even consider even trying to make one.
Today our 68th Helmholtz Open Science Online Seminar on Science Tracking took place. @bmittermaier from Central Library of Forschungszentrum Jülich looked into the realm of science tracking as conducted by large publishing houses and explored the legal landscape surrounding tracking and privacy issues and the DEAL contracts, offering guidance for scientists and librarians.
The slides will be shared shortly via the event website: https://os.helmholtz.de/veranstaltungen/online-seminare/68-online-seminar-1/ psm
#OpenScience #Openness #ScienceTracking
New blog post [ger/eng]: Open Science Monitoring: Openness as a Natural Part of Good Research Practices in Finland | #SciencePolicy #OpenScience #Openness https://www.zbw-mediatalk.eu/2024/02/open-science-monitoring-openness-as-a-natural-part-of-good-research-practices-in-finland/
Open Knowledge Foundation looking for "a Senior Developer with at least 10 years experience to work with us to bring Open Data Editor (ODE) to the first stable and public release." - https://okfn.org/en/jobs/senior-developer/ Compensation: $300 - $400 per day, depending on experience #openness
The Information & Openness focal area at @cwts studies and promotes #openness of scientometric data, and of research information more generally. Want to know more about the plans for the coming five years? Check our new blog post
@joerglohrer @noelte030 @wibketiedmann
Suche in diesem Kontext gute Lektüre zu offener Bildung. Hier ist mein erster Fund.
Welche Texte zum Thema #offeneBildung oder #openness habt ihr so auf der Agenda im #FediLZ?
Der heutige #TagderBibliotheken lenkt den Blick auf die Rolle der mehr als 9.000 Bibliotheken.
Wir nehmen diesen Tag zum Anlass, um mit Dr. #IrinaSens, stellvertretende Direktorin und Leitung Bibliotheksbetrieb bei uns an der #TIB, über die Bedeutung von Bibliotheken in der heutigen Zeit im Allgemeinen und der TIB im Speziellen zu sprechen: https://blogs.tib.eu/wp/tib/2023/10/24/openness-im-fokus-im-interview-mit-dr-irina-sens
Contributing to #opensource projects fosters #collaboration, #innovation, stronger #software communities & #openness. You'll find a question about this & many others in our latest #openSUSE #survey at survey.opensuse.org
Long thread/5
Openwashing is the trick that large "AI" companies use to evade regulation and neutralizing critics, by casting themselves as forces of ethical capitalism, committed to the virtue of #openness. No one should be surprised to learn that the products of the "open" wing of an industry whose products are neither "artificial," nor "intelligent," are also not "open." Every word AI huxters say is a lie; including "and," and "the."
"Procedural #Openness as a Distraction":
- Civil society participants want to make use of access and opportunities provided by the IETF’s procedural openness.
- "Their presence can confer unfounded #legitimacy on #IETF #processes. If civil society is in the room where decisions are made but does not have a voice that can match that of industry, the sheer fact of their participation in debates can function as a rubber stamp."
@C__CS #governance #standards #tech #neutrality #ethics @ethics