Rebel action on #PenderIsland.
Rebel action on #PenderIsland.
This #ancient yellow #cedar #tree is older than the Great Wall of China & older than the Vatican.
All #ElderTrees - of this colossal & majestic scale, must be preserved & their ecosystems protected.
A beautiful moss covered Western red #cedar #tree - still unprotected.
Only a human, with a compromised & unwell soul, would be OK killing an elder tree this magnificent. Some things are just plain wrong.
These ancient old growth trees are essential to fighting accelerated #ClimateChange. #OldGrowth ecosystems in our coastal temperate rainforests supports much biodiverse lifeforms. The naturally moist environment helps to lower impacts of wildfires & other natural disasters that have increased as our governments continue to fund & enable more ecocidal projects.
Pixie cup & lipstick #lichens & #liverwort mixed in with assorted #mosses. Super green microworlds
Just another ecological component of a healthy & biodiverse, coastal temperate rainforest ecosystem on #Wsanec territory.
From yesterday.
#Columbine foliage is emerging.
#Iris heads are pushing up.
Attention: #BritishColumbia peoples.
The invasive #GoldenMussel has been found in California & we need to keep our eyes open for them appearing on our beaches & shorelines.
These can easily grip on to cargo ships & transported without anyone noticing, into BC waters. They got to North America via attaching on cargo ships.
Please read about them & learn to identify them. Report to DFO & your local marine authorities, if you spot them anywhere in BC.
#FootpathFriday through the #forest
Rugged hiking trail, winding through luscious coastal temperate rainforest.
4 years ago, I first met this gentle giant.
It's one of the only older Western red #cedar #trees left at #W̱MÍYEŦEN #NatureSanctuary. Most of the land had been logged more than once before it was acquired for conservation & rewilding. This is a 2nd growth cedar & it is over 150 yrs old.
The W̱MÍYEŦEN #Nature Sanctuary is a 42 acre protected forest and riparian area that supports biodiversity while preserving ecosystems and wildlife habitat. The tranquil natural environment, inspires an awareness of nature as teacher and essential ally.
I'm a member of this local, biodiverse nature sanctuary. They mainly rely on memberships & public donations. They work with #Indigenous leaders/educators/naturalists from #Wsanec First Nations. The name was changed from the former Mary Lake Sanctuary to W̱MÍYEŦEN Nature Sanctuary to respect that the property is on native lands.
Dapper #daffodils drenched in dewdrops.
This beautiful, ancient yellow #cedar tree has a massive, moss covered trunk. It is estimated at over 500 years old. There are very few #ElderTrees of this scale found outside of protected parks on Southern Vancouver Island now. The few remaining unprotected old growth forest tracts should be conserved for stability & longevity of our wild, ancient ecosystems & for the future generations to enjoy/admire/study.
The need to protect old growth forests has been the case for decades but even more important in present times because of accelerated climate change & the increased greedy desperation of corporate ecociders & our governments who aid/abet the pillaging which destroys wild environments that are essential for humans to sustain our lives on Earth. Valuable medicines are found & several medicines have yet to be found in these old growth, coastal temperate, wild rainforests. We need to protect these ancient forests for the above listed & many more important reasons.
Our coastal temperate #rainforests on Vancouver Island are super lush with so much #biodiversity. They are worth conserving & protecting. These forests are also full of medicines, some yet to be discovered.
Here is a photo I took. Perhaps you will look at it and find joy in what you see. If so, I have done my job and you’re welcome.
The Trump regime's axe is falling on many of NOAA's sites in the Pacific Northwest.
' “Individuals can tell us they’ve been fired, but as soon as they’re gone they’re cut off from their NOAA accounts,” the employee said. “It’s cold. These are our colleagues and their lives are being completely upended. Years of work are going down the drain and for what?” '
#Trump #Musk #DOGE #NOAA #PacificNorthwest #Oregon #Washington
#Fractal #fungi tribute to #MotherNature.
Mirrored turkey tails, that look like the shape of an #uterus
One step at a time, you elevate into the #light
Part of the area by one of my fave & free #backroads #wilderness #camping & recreation spots in #Ditidaht territory. The backroads in both the North & South #Cowichan areas have several fantastic recreational camping sites which are free to stay at - zero amenities so you need to be prepared to pack in what you need & pack it back out. I like the backroads spots better than fully maintained & easier to access sites. I rarely see anyone else near me when camping at backroads sites.
Ocean waters flowing into #CowichanBay & passing through #MapleBay & #GenoaBay on #VancouverIsland in #BritishColumbia #Canada.
Saltspring Island is in the distant background