Update. More evidence that this fear has come true.
"Even…a small error rate can quickly add up, given the vast number of student assignments each year, with potentially devastating consequences for students who are falsely flagged."
Some sites, for example @404mediaco*, specifically use the email login window. even for free content, as an anti- #AI scraping mechanism, after #perplexity_ai was caught reproducing news articles whole hog.
What was once an offensive tactic to the end-user is now a defensive maneuver against exploitation from the #plagiarism factories.
It's just more collateral damage in the spiral of fuckery.
*I subscribe; you should, too.
Today, we're looking at a well-known article about bad art friends, the author's post-mortem, as well as the fine distinction between #plagiarism and #copyright.
First as Plagiarism, Then as Property
Don't forget to
Update. Here's another study showing that tools to detect #AI-written text are easy to fool with "simple techniques to manipulate the AI generated content." But this one goes a step further and makes the right recommendation for teachers and schools. "GenAI tools and detectors…cannot currently be recommended for determining academic integrity violations due to accuracy limitations and the potential for false accusation."
https://educationaltechnologyjournal.springeropen.com/articles/10.1186/s41239-024-00487-w [educationaltechnologyjournal.springeropen.com]
Update. Mike Masnick (@mmasnick) reports that this happened to one of his children. Students who can write well without #AI are self-censoring to avoid the suspicion of AI-based #plagiarism.
I just submitted my assignment for my psych class, and I'm annoyed.
The TurnItIn score I got was 31%, because it's tagged the reference list*, my name and student ID number from the header, and things like titles if theories I was writing about ("the theory of planned behaviour"). A 5 word theory title takes a lot of the percentage of a paper when it's only 6 tasks of 100 words each.
I'm used to a TurnItIn score under 10%.
#uni #Academia #Criminology #CriminalJustice #university #psych #psychology #writing #plagiarism #TurnItIn #AI
* please don't tell me not to add the reference list in TurnItIn. I know that. I also had to submit it as a complete file so I couldn't take the reference list off and then readd it before submitting the paper.
I am currently writing a #cento, i.e. a #textadventure where every sentence is taken from another text adventure. The biggest work of #plagiarism ever written
This hinges on dumping the full text for 5000+ games (hooray for stable, documented formats/engines!), then having a tool to sift through them. There's also lots of game design constraints that come with it. It's super fun!
I'm hoping to post more about it as I ramp up in the next few months
Richtig zitieren statt plagiieren
Warum sind Plagiate problematisch? Welche Arten von Plagiaten gibt es? Welche Arten von Zitaten gibt es und wann setzt man sie ein?
• Montag, 22.07.2024, 16:15 Uhr - 17:15 Uhr (hybrid)
Die Schulung findet als hybride Veranstaltung sowohl online als auch in Präsenz im Schulungsraum der UB (Zentralbibliothek, EG, Raum F002).
1/ "Research shows that #AI-generated slop overuses specific words"
"Delves" is a good word. Too bad AI-detecting tools are killing it, along with many other good, little-used words.
Writers skilled enough to do without AI assistance will start avoiding these words, to avoid the automated diagnosis that their work is AI-assisted. #Students will avoid them to avoid the charge of AI-assisted #plagiarism
@shsbxheb @fuchsiii @nixCraft neither an "#AI" because #plagiarism requires #authorship which #machines inherently can't have because they ain"t natural persons!