Rainbow (2010) es un anime que destaca dentro de la mayoría de animes convencionales. Cuenta con una temporada de 23 episodios aproximadamente. Para este punto ya muchos/as asumo que ya conocen de qué va la trama, sus puntos fuertes y débiles. Si aún no has visto este clásico, no sé que esperan. Recomendadisimo.
Ignorant people say the #rainbow flag for #LGBTQ #Pride is “obsolete” in their nation because same-sex #marriage is legal.
Nothing could be further from the truth! While marriage is a big milestone, it is NOT the only one.
Even in “liberal” nations, some LEGAL discrimations still exist, like:
Many years ago, I was gifted a bag of bright wool, clearly quite "expensive" stuff. I was too intimidated to use it, but also too thrifty to give it away, so it languished. Someday, it will be a sweater! I took the leap during 2020 lockdown, following a very basic yoke pattern and making the colorwork up as I went.
I don't get to wear this sweater very often, because it's 100% wool, VERY warm, quite scratchy. But I adore it.
#HandmadeWardrobe #crochet #fiberArts #queer #rainbow @crochet
Blustery night listening to a board, that wasn't nailed tightly enough, bang on the house. I can hardly wait for the contractor to come back and finish up.
Instead of being tired and cranky, from little sleep, I am keeping busy calling our elected officials. I am very concerned about Veteran and Native american benefits. Heck, I am concerned about too many things to list.
I will not give into despair because it won't help me get through the week.
A rainbow was just what we needed. It was double but you can't tell from this photo. Summer gave it her bark of approval.
Good morning, Mastodon.
Diamond Beach, Iceland
More about me & prints:
Exposure Settings:
Aperture: f/11 (for sharpness and depth)
Shutter Speed: 1s (to create the smooth motion of the waves)
ISO: 100 (to preserve detail and reduce noise)
So, it's Valentine's Day today ... And while I don't really celebrate it, I still want to share this picture from 2022...including the most important person of my life, @Kuraiko
Drawn by the lovely Mirri at Furaffinity.
#valentinesday #rainbow #pan #lgbtqiaplus