#photography #macro #spider
#FotoVorschlag 'Dinge die mit "X" beginnen oder so aussehen ...' ('Things
that start with "X" or look like it)
In the forest biome I want to add a new creature: the #spider
Check out the spider!
I was shooting the flowers trying out my new Panasonic 3D LUMIX G 12.5mm lens (modified for macro focus). Got a lucky Crab Spider perfectly focused. Cross-eyed stereo pair image. Cross your eyes to view 3D image. #macro #stereography #stereopair #spider #nature #wildlife #flowers
The other thing I've been doing, either up at launch while "parawaiting" for good weather or after I've landed while I'm waiting for the retrieve vehicle, is to snap photos for iNaturalist. I recently started using my mostly-dormant account for fun. I've probably got 60 or 70 different species observations to upload, mostly plants. And this is just what are probably considered common weeds around roadsides and farm fields. I got 20 new plant species this afternoon alone, plus this really cool beetle and spider.
Did you know that #tarantulas sometimes do a happy butt dance after catching their prey? Now you do! Let this bring a moment of joy into your life. Giant chunky #spider below.
tiny cute spider
And I had this friend waiting for me when I got home
#photography #spider
spider close up, spider with prey
A Green Lynx Spider and its prey on the sumpweed leaf in the summer sun
PlayStation finally drop the PSN account requirement that annoyed every PC player - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/playstation-finally-drop-the-psn-account-requirement-that-annoyed-every-pc-player #SonyComputerEntertainment #AmazeEntertainment #PlayStationNetwork #TreyarchInvention #TheLastofUsPartII #NintendoGameCube #GodofWarRagnarok #SonyPlayStation #ActionAdventure #HorizonZeroDawn #DigitalEclipse #GuerrillaGames #SinglePlayer #Thirdperson #Blockbuster #NintendoGBA #Spider-Man2 #Activision