For #spring, my little snowdrop. It glows softly (there's a light in the flower), but its glow is best seen at night. See the second pic for a bit of the glow.
I haven’t shared much about this piece yet - maybe because it’s a little different from my usual embroidery work. But I like how delicate it turned out.
Spring has sprung! This is the Honey Bee from the Everyday Witch's Familiars Oracle illustrated by me, written by Deborah Blake, published by Llewellyn.
While you patiently wait for the Whimsy Woods Tarot deck, you can check out our Everyday Witch's Familiars oracle deck! Whimsy Woods will be our fourth deck together.
Signed decks and prints are in my shop at
Today, in the Northern Hemisphere it is the Spring Equinox.
That means the position of the sun is crossing the celestial equator in relation to our planet.
Yesterday was the Spring Equilux which means that day and night were of equal length.
So now the days will gradually become longer until the Summer Solstice.
So, scientifically, it is now spring, despite what the Meh Office said at the beginning of March.
Spring is the best season of all AFAIC.
Enjoy nature unfolding back into life, until May when that precocious Duchess of Summer arrives, all hot and moist, encouraging you all to walk around in a state of semi-undress.
'Heat and Cold last until Higan'
Simply put 'shunbun' (春分) means 'spring division', indicating that hours of light and dark are balanced. As the (above) saying goes, the cold grip of winter should now fade to a slight chill.
In the past 'Higan-no-Nakaba' (彼岸の半ば 'Middle of the Equinoctial Week') was a time for visiting graves to honour ancestors.
It was also a time for spring cleaning and for making important changes (such as beginning a new hobby or finishing an important project).
The Equinox is a turning point—a moment of perfect balance between darkness and light. It is a time for reflection, renewal, and deepening our connection with the rhythms of the Earth.
Join us on March 19th for a live Equinox gathering, where we will explore what this
seasonal shift means for our connection to Gaia.
Join Here:
Ooo! ALways love it when a new @sylvia_ritter
image drops!
Hope y'all enjoyed the #VernalEquinox (#SpringEquinox / #AutumnEquinox depending on where you live) 9 days ago!
Joy of Ēostre to you all, with the coming change of season!
Happy first day of spring!
#spring #springequinox #bloomscrolling
Ostara blessings to all now that we've finally reached the #SpringEquinox - in this part of the world anyway!
The blackthorn is emerging, promising drier weather and an end to wading through mud on our morning walk! At least Arthur and I hope so
New on my #blog: "Ostara Spread for 2024." []
A small #Tarot
spread for #Ostara
and the #SpringEquinox. Feel free to check it out if interested.
#cartomancy #divination #pagan #heathen #witch #blog
'Heat and Cold last until Higan'
Simply put 'shunbun' (春分) means 'spring division', indicating that hours of light and dark are balanced. As the (above) saying goes, the cold grip of winter should now fade to a slight chill.