Going to start a new #trend of replacing the idiom "nuts and bolts" with "nuts and butts" #trendwatch
Going to start a new #trend of replacing the idiom "nuts and bolts" with "nuts and butts" #trendwatch
Hey everyone, it's #FollowFriday!
Last week I was getting familiar with the #FollowFriday hashtag, and this week I wanted to share some accounts on the Fediverse that I think are really worth checking out.
Take a look at these amazing people:
Tech and Software:
Linux Distros in March 2025: Here Comes A New Challenger! https://boilingsteam.com/linux-distros-in-march-2025-a-new-challenger-emerges/
#linux #distro #linuxgaming #update #foss #challenger #arch #cachyos #evolution #trend #market
Do you want to see me suffer? Do you want to see epic content? Check out my newest video to know what I am talking about!
#SilentSunday #gaming #game #development #movies #trend #trending
Jugendliche greifen wieder vermehrt zu #Zigaretten und #Vapes – eine besorgniserregende Entwicklung. Stress, Angst und die laxe Tabakkontrolle in Deutschland könnten mitverantwortlich sein. Was steckt hinter dem #Trend? Von @elena_materamas.to #archiv #rauchen https://www.riffreporter.de/de/gesellschaft/warum-junge-menschen-viel-rauchen-vapes-e-zigarette-tabak-tabaklobby-who-tabakkontrolle
German Voters Aware of Election Interference by Trump Administration Officials
#news #hot #trend #trending #world #asia #america #us #europe #africa #middleeast
The Dramatic Rise of Esports Worldwide (and increasingly popular following the pandemic): https://boilingsteam.com/the-dramatic-rise-of-esports-worldwide/
#linux #linuxgaming #gaming #esports #rise #overactivemedia #oam #industry #trend #rise #covid19 #twitch #growth #audience #callofduty #overwatch #leagueoflegends #dota #interview
Remember speestacking in high school? Even if you don't, the story is pretty fascinating
Gaza Family Finds Their Home Destroyed Upon Return
#news #hot #trend #trending #world #asia #america #us #europe #africa #middleeast
Neues Jahr, neue Trends – das hier wären unsere.
#Klimaschutz #Energiewende #ErneuerbareEnergien #Nachhaltigkeit #InandOut #Trend #InsAndOuts
#minecraft #minecraft2 #logo #gamers #discord #twitch #youtube #game #gaminglogo #gaming #minecraftlogo #trend #viral #twitter
Stato | Jason Statham | New Released Action Movie 2024 | Full Movie | 4K Ultra #actionmovies
#hollywoodmovies #joker #pubgmobile #callofduty #marvel #movie #therock #chrishemsworth #eminem #trend #افلام #newrelease #englishmovies #hollywoodmovie #hollywoodactionmovie #hollywoodmovies #scifimovies #explore #film #movie @XDrama-1 Subscribe Here
"Künstler brauchen Reichweite, die ihnen #Gaming-Plattformen bieten - und sie erreichen dort ein Publikum, das sie auf ganz neue Art und Weise ansprechen können". Mein Interview zum #Trend der #Avatar-Konzerte bei #Fortnite & Co. für die @tagesschau - https://www.tagesschau.de/wirtschaft/technologie/fortnite-virtuelle-konzerte-snoopdog-100.html