This week in #Zandronum:
- backported INVENTORY.ALWAYSRESPAWN actor flag
- most of a large flag-related refactor
- fixes fixes fixes
This week in #Zandronum:
- backported INVENTORY.ALWAYSRESPAWN actor flag
- most of a large flag-related refactor
- fixes fixes fixes
This week in #Zandronum: just a couple of fixes. https://foss.heptapod.net/zandronum/zandronum-stable/-/compare/0da70b33cc02...13cf673a130d
Last week in #Zandronum:
- the rest of the Domination changes (including new IsPlayerContestingControlPoint ACS function)
- sv_no*vote CVars now control the new sv_forbidvoteflags CVar
- VOTEINFO lump extensions
- improvements to the Windows server console
This week in #Zandronum:
- slaughtermap fans rejoice as NetIDs become unsigned, doubling the number of networked actors that can be in play at once from 32767 to 65535
- another one of those "No body for player" bugs fixed
- more Domination tweaks
This week in #Zandronum: WhiteFlag and subclasses can now spawn outside of one-flag CTF by unsetting the NOTDMATCH flag, and some backported ACS fixes.
This week in #Zandronum:
- cl_noswitchonfire to stop you switching weapons if you pick one up while firing
- sv_noplayertimeout (testing builds only), useful for debugging
- and a bunch of fixes.
This week in #Zandronum: sv_dominationscorerate, which controls how fast points are scored in the Domination game mode, as part of a greater rework of Domination as a whole that is under review.
MR: https://foss.heptapod.net/zandronum/zandronum-stable/-/merge_requests/192
This week in #Zandronum: multiple ban list (and ban exemption list) support. Additional lists can be specified in sv_banfile and sv_banexemptionfile by separating them with semicolons, and the addban and addbanexemption commands gain an extra parameter so you can specify which list to add to.
This week in #Zandronum: some refactoring to prepare for multiple banlist support.
I'm looking for good profile header images for this account, by the way. If you have any good #Zandronum screenshots that show off multiplayer and modding features, let me know! Preferably with no HUD or the HUD easily cropped out.
Last week in #Zandronum (I totally didn't forget):
cl_spectatorsource is now cl_spectatormode, and the Source-like spectator mode is called the "physically unrestricted" mode and has become the default. Also, some fixes.
#Doom #Zandronum
Не думал, что "оптимизировать" HUD для Zandronum будет непросто...