Just $190 to go! But we have only 3 days left. Thinking about revealing a final incentive to push it over the edge at the 48 hour mark.
Just $190 to go! But we have only 3 days left. Thinking about revealing a final incentive to push it over the edge at the 48 hour mark.
New alt poster for Fluff n’ Fury by Dani Gutz! Get heisting!!! We have only 48h left!
New poster drop for fluff n fury
About a week left to back my #rpg "The Devil's Doorbell!" Step into the role of the The Devil's Missionary. Bring your friends and neighbors to The Dark Lord in this #SatanicPanic spin on #evangelical culture. Tithe your way to a new car, but in a cool leather jacket. Hail Satan!
Ring The Devil's Doorbell with me!
For health reasons, I'm not great at telling everyone about the crowdfunding for Catcrawl these days.
If you feel like helping me out, please let people know they can support this solo/GM-less exploration game for another 9 days over here: https://www.backerkit.com/c/projects/plotbunny-games/catcrawl-an-exploration-game-about-a-cat-in-a-new-home?ref=mstdn
Are you ready for #ZiMo2ndWave?
Today A LOT of cool new projects are launching! if you like #TTRPGs i'm sure you'll find one for you there
(we found out we were a lot of projects launching on the same day so we made a little Rascal announcement
C'est février, c'est le #zinemonth !!
Petite sélection des jeux qui font battre mon coeur dans cette avalanche de Zine !
Broken Oaths and other games de @nimael
Une superbe compilation de trois projets tendre et poétique dans des formats originaux, tout ce qu'on aime dans le ZineMonth !! Chacune des propositions est porteuse d'une voix singulière avec : Un mystère pour Brindelwood Bay illustré par @EvlynMoreau
Un jeu solo autour du secret entre amants sur carte de visite et le sublime Cercle des Preux
In the land of the sundering flood de Nic.
Un jeu de miniature basé sur le travail de William Morris. Un monde mystique de bois impénetrable et de montagnes brumeuses, je ne peux qu'approuver !!
Growing Thylacine de Pidj Sorensen
Un jeu où l'on joue dans les rêves d'un Thylacine recréé en laboratoire qui rêve de la vie avant l'extinction de son espèce
C'est Beau
C'est Baré
C'est un Banger
Et je ne peux que recommander les excelents live de @Ind100Podcast qui m'ont fais découvrir certaines de ces pépites et qui diggent dans la marée pour en trouver d'autres !!
Je vois passer plein de nouveaux jeux courts et intéressants sur tous les serveurs Discord anglophones de #jdr , tous en cours de financement
pas de doute : on est bien en février
le mois du #zinemonth et du #zinequest
ZineMonth : https://iwanttoplay.games/view
ZineQuest: https://www.kickstarter.com/zinequest?ref=project_zine_quest_badge
Catcrawl is already 2/3 funded, in less than 4.5 hours!
If an easy-to-learn exploration game about a cat in a new home with 35+ cat drawings in it sounds like a thing you might enjoy, you can back it here:
Gerade ist ein neues Crowdfunding von @plotbunnygames gestartet: Catcrawl. (:
Das Funding ist für die englische Übersetzung, aber wer das Projekt unterstützen und es auf deutsch haben möchte, kann auch die symbolische 1 Euro Unterstützung nehmen und die deutsche Version als Add-on hinzufügen.
PS: Es ist ein tolles Projekt, das auch Beiträge aus der Community vom Plotbunny Games Discord enthält. Viele verschiedene tolle Katzen.
Catcrawl, our exploration game about a cat in a new home, is now live on Backerkit.
If you like cats, GM-less/solo games, cats, human-made art, and also cats, back it today!
Sunday we were on the french podcast by @Ind100Podcast
We talked about Zine Quest, Zine Month and of course Notorious Style and Arlo the Artisan.
You can find the episode on Twitch [1], [2] Youtube and your favorite podcast player [3].
In the next toot, I'll link all the project mentioned.
[1] https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2370613449
[2] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=07pJgOPaIXM
[3] https://open.spotify.com/episode/02szIwO3HHodGuuBtjghuN
Wir haben #Catcrawl (außer Cover, Wohnungskarte und Katzen-Minis) mit 30+vorwiegend nicht-professionellen Katzenzeichnungen illustriert, die 16 Plotbunny Discord-Mitglieder beigesteuert haben.
Damit feiern wir die Kreativität der Community und deren Unterstützung unserer Spiele und zeigen, was wir verlieren, wenn wir menschengemachte Kunst in all ihrer Vielfalt und allen Fertigkeitsleveln nicht wertschätzen (Ja, das ist ein Anti-KI-Statement.)
Self promo
Here is something I've been working on since 2023:
Pulvis Et Umbra is coming. It'll rattle the tiny plastic dice right off your desk. As Nechrobel intended.
Ever wondered what a TTRPG about graffiti in a medieval fantasy setting looks like ?
Then have a look at our campaign on backerkit: https://colourful.name/arlo
This is a setting with lore and map for Notorious Style, or any rule light TTRPG.
My band is about to kickstart our next project for zinequest next month! It's a Mork Borg adventure with a ambient postmetal soundtrack to thrash to.
Alle Infos zu Catcrawl gibts jetzt auch auf Deutsch bei uns im Blog: https://plotbunnygames.com/crowdfunding-zu-catcrawl-04-21-02-2025-bei-backerkit/
We're funding "Catcrawl" by @Bratapfel and @curiouscat on Backerkit this #ZineMonth!
It's a hexcrawl-inspired story game about a cat exploring its new home. 1-4 players, play time 30 min. to 3 hrs.
Sign up to be notified on launch: https://www.backerkit.com/call_to_action/9da894fa-dc8c-46ec-84c3-5e1a2ca18b2f/landing
@meldar16 's other picture on the teaser page for the new game.