@Hyphlosion gah, you're so close! It's possible to finish, but will take some serious grinding, especially since the last page has "Win 3 Raids." But good luck if you do decide to try!
@CrankyRaconteur I’m actually plowing through the third page as we speak! Shadow Growlithe (ONLY fire shadow I have) with the clutch!
@Hyphlosion ahh, nice! Good thing you had that sneaky little shadow-mon in the collection.
@CrankyRaconteur 20 more fire mons though? Yikes. It’s super duper blustery outside right now.
@CrankyRaconteur I survived being harassed by mother nature and got the 20 fires. Now all I need are the three raids. Just says battle. So I can just throw myself at Heatran over and over solo. lol