Mutual Aid Request w/link
@mutualaid Update. They're taking her trial, and my heart fractures ever so.
You can keep donating as you wish. I also have a backup plan.
We're going to sell off property that is essentially a blank field next to our house. I had forgotten all about it honestly, I mean I didn't know we had a second deed or anything.
This should be enough to at least have my wife home first before they really decide anything. It will also pay off the mortgage/equity and possibly sustain everything else for about a year.
(Finally I am considering stream fulltime. Twitch isn't ideal but it functions) Thank you for your support in any way possible.
Original post stands for now, just keep this information in mind.
Coucou ! Si des gens ont des ressources, articles, etc sur le thème "Résister, agir et prendre soin de soi et des autres sous le fascisme", bipez-moi ! On commence une boîte à outils qu'on va pouvoir partager <3
Disabled people rely on social media for connection & companionship.
We might be housebound or bedbound & often have no one in real life who “gets it”
The unrelenting negativity of the news cycle takes a toll on us
If we unplug, we lose our support network. If we come online, we lose our spoons
I’m working on an article about how we can protect our online spaces (and spoons!) in the era of Trump.
How we can find ways to unplug without losing vital community.
Discover strategies for supporting one another in resistance efforts so we can all take breaks when we need to.
I’m working on ideas for resisting, networking & community building in ways that spare as many spoons as possible.
Ways to help people leave toxic social media and find safer online spaces.
I’m thinking about the role we can play in protests & resistance and how to get organizers to include us.
My own spoon deficit is slowing me down, so in the interim I’m going to share some articles from the Archive that I hope can help people rest, recharge and prepare to fight another day.
The first is about throwing away the guilt & harmful inner monologues and learning radical rest
re: US pol, some thoughts on why people aren't rising up, thread
(14/?) What I also needed while doing #leftist #activism during the first #Trump term was #EmotionalLabor. I needed cheerleaders. I needed people who could support me emotionally and provide validation and encouragement. I was surrounded by people who were constantly telling me I wasn't enough--that whatever I was doing, it wasn't radical enough or leftist enough or effective enough. I watched people who had been in the #progressive movement for longer than I'd been alive get driven out and treated like garbage over petty infighting. I needed people who would accept and care for me, exactly as I was, without demanding I be something else. I needed people who I could trust. I needed to not feel so alone.
If you know an #activist on the #left right now, offer to listen, deeply listen, to what they're going through. Be a space of affirmation for them. It might also help
Ice & The Pointy Hat Gang
Starvation & Exposure
It sounds like a strange name for a band or the title of a campy 1980s tv episode, but for #BIPOC families in #poverty, it speaks of very real & present danger
Danger that didn't start with the election, nor in the past 10yrs
For some, action means #activism, for others it means upholding #communitycare, to ensure mutual survival
Hotel due in 1 hour
Please share other posts in thread
Have you shared #mutualaid today?
What we need is #communitycare
Help #Indigenous family survive #poverty, while remaining safe from #government
@SabiLewSounds is #Disabled #Latina Multidisciplinary #Artist & #Musician; 24/7 Caretaker for elderly mom & ESA bun; #advocate for #disability & #mentalhealth
They've been homeless since March, following eviction
Crossposting this here from my other accounts:
Surviving fascism is hard. One thing we need to remember is to not comply when possible.
Some of these executive orders are illegal (as in only Congress has power over that), and others may not be enforceable, or can be sued to maybe stop them.
We also need to plan together on how to survive.
Assist community initiatives if you can:
1. Join a mask bloc. They also help distribute supplies, teaching events, and organize with other community groups.
2. Set up a free community fridge, mini-pantry, and/or mini-library with your neighbors.
3. Reach out to disabled/homebound people. We're often isolated with little resources. Talk with us, include us in initiatives, utilize our talents, and make sure we have access to supplies and assistance. Include us in the evacuation/safety plans. Don't abandon us please.
4. Make a safety plan.
What is a safety plan?
A safety plan depends on where you live. For friends in California, they may focus on evacuation from fires. For me, I deal with tornadoes or floods.
List items you need for any evacuation. Make sure you include how you'll evacuation your pets. Map several escape routes.
An escape route is ways to leave your area safely. If you do not have a vehicle, work with friends to build a shared plan, so you and them can help each other evacuate safely.
Be sure to include your medicines and medical equipment. Include any portable harddrives (back up your work often).
Keep your evacuation bag in an easy to grab spot, and make sure it's stocked at all times. (Include snacks, clothing, water, pet supplies in the bag with your medical needs.)
Practice with your pets so they are used to a harness and leash and/or able to get into a carrier quickly.
For those that may need to stay in place, I'd still make an evacuation bag, but it'll be a bag you grab for when you need to hide in the basement or bathroom.
For those in tornado alley, if you do not have a basement, I recommend a bathroom with no windows. I sit in the tub with my cats and bag.
A safety plan can really help alleviate that anxiety and possible panic during a crisis where you need to get out fast or stay in place.
For disabled people we need to make our plans with friends/family we trust to follow through in honoring the plan. Our ability to survive relies on that.
By working together as a community, we can survive this. We need to have each others' backs. This means we need to check in with each other. We need to learn one another's boundaries and honor them.
We need to make sure each of us has access to supplies and resources for survival.
Leave no one behind is a motto within disability justice since disabled people are often abandoned.
When you plan community events, safety/evacuation plans, and other initiatives, check if you are being accessible and inclusive for disabled/homebound people.
5. Security culture. There are safe ways to organize. The Signal app is encrypted and a great tool for staying safe while organizing your community groups.
Avoid using google, meta apps, and bluesky for planning/organizing.
Cryptpad can work for an secure alternate to the googlesuite.
I may talk about security culture in more depth a different day. My illness is flaring again.
This thread will hopefully get people thinking about ways they can act instead of catastrophize.
We are not helpless, we can work together to survive.
As Mariame Kaba wrote, "Hope is a discipline."
P.S. I wrote this recently; it has more tips on different ways to act and help out your community:
Don't overwhelm yourself. This is a marathon not a sprint. Choose one or two things you can commit to and focus on those. Take breaks and rest to avoid burnout. Be safe.
#Organizing #CommunityCare #SafetyPlans #Safety #Community
(Also uploaded this here: )
Mutual Aid Request w/link
Important update
Because this still in the preliminary phase I just want to tell you that if the charges are dropped there will absolutely be a refund on the bail.
Mutual Aid Request w/link
I'd hate to waste your time, but I need your help. Actually my wife needs your help.
I've explained a bit of this in a previous pinned post (still on my profile in a set of four)
But basically, my wife is unjustly incarcerated regarding the death of her mother and we need help with bail. And remainder that doesn't reach the target amount or overshoots it will be used for other things, such as bills, mortgage, food, additional legal recourse and such.
She's loving, caring, headstrong and she has worked for a behaviorial health center to help drug addicts get back on her feet. She's far more selfless than I ever was.
She's also Bi, has Rheumatoid Arthritis and she is married to me (a neurodivergent)
#MutualAid #MutualAidRequest #Donate #Donation #HelpNeeded #Help #Fundraising #Fundraiser #CrowdFund #CrowdFunding #Hope #Kindness #Community #CommunityCare #SendFunds #ShareWherever #Support
Privately message me for questions.
When you come from the lower class vs the middle class you know that humans are seen as supply and demand
We see our family members fed to the machine
- we are jailed for our skin: free labor
- we are jailed for our minds: free labor
- we are beat to conform through hunger and the elements: forced labor
Govt isn't here to care for us, they want control, they want slaves to bring them riches, policy doesn't bring freedom
We are here to care for us #CommunityCare is essential
Until we build decentralized platforms & use them as they are designed (anti-capitalist, decolonized spaces) things like Meta are a necessary evil for those of us who rely on #CommunityCare
I don't make this rant to say #Strikes are wrong I say it with extreme pleading
BE RESPONSIBLE don't hurt the most marginalized just to throw around the weight of the people vs the #facists
You're throwing away those you claim to fight for the most
If you care to keep my family alive I need $907 in 13 hrs
ive officially deleted fb, insta, messenger, cant get back onto tiktok (which is probably for the better anyways). feeling like this is a good fresh start.
now i just need to find reliable news sources about ongoing struggles worldwide and in the us. most of my sources came from individuals/activists on ig or tiktok. any advice from those here on mastodon?
@disabledvoices @mutualaid @MutualAidVisibility @MutualAidNet
#CommunityCare is essential to ending #facism which has been here long b4 any orange man became president
Resourced and privileged folx discarded my family to use all their energy to hide in their delusion
#Marginalized humans have never been safe here
One presidential election shouldn't make you MORE selfish and individualistic it should make you invest in #MutualAid and other means of building a new world
Need met but I'm sure help is good still
Hi #Mastodon updating this for @skelders333
They have safer housing but their pup is in danger
Every bit counts
#CommunityCare #SupportDisabledArtists #MutualAid
#ChronicallyIll #ALT4me
@disabledvoices @mutualaid @MutualAidVisibility @MutualAidNet
That's the caption on the #MetaDemon for those who don't use those things or have ot blocked
#Mastodon please help by sharing or contributing every bit counts
#CommunityCare and #MutualAid are essential parts of #antifacism
@disabledvoices @disability @MutualAidVisibility @MutualAidNet @mutualaid
There's a guy who walks around the local area and fishes cans out of rubbish bins to recycle for cash.
A couple of months ago he was along our street on bin day, fishing through the recycling bins in front of each house. I went out and chatted with him, he kept reassuring me that he wasn't making a mess and he didn't want to cause trouble.
I explained that if he wanted to I could just pop the cans into a plastic bag next to the bin so he could grab them easily. He was worried that other people might take them, so we've sorted out a system where I put them in a plastic bag INSIDE the recycling bin and tie the ends to the handle so not only can he just untie it to get the cans, but he can clearly see if there are cans in the bin to grab.
A lot of the time mutual aid isn't money.