This one had me puzzled for quite a while, but finally I figured it out.
Who owns the XMP sidecar?
The infamous XMP "sidecar" files contain structured metadata, such as your ratings, keywords, captions, and a lot more. NeoFinder and other applications create them if the media file itself cannot hold that metadata, such as for some RAW formats, or some video formats.
The problem here is that the ".xmp" suffix is usually used by replacing the actual media file suffix. So for a file named "NMD_2201.NEF" the XMP file name will be "NMD_2201.xmp". Which is OK, until you ALSO have a file named "NMD_2201.JPG" in the same folder. Because then the question is: Which media file does that XMP data belong to?
#NeoFinder 8.8 for #macOS answers that question!