Trying to determine the "correct" way to open macOS System Settings from an app. Here's an example of the keyboard menu bar item that can open the Keyboard System Settings.
I have it working by using a file URL of "/System/Library/PreferencePanes/Keyboard.prefPane" but see sites mention URLs of the form "".
Here is where I got the non-file URL information.
Fünf wirklich gute Alternativen zu Outlook und Thunderbird
Mail-Programme sind quicklebendig: c't 3003 hat fünf ungewöhnliche Mail-Clients getestet und mit den Standard-Programmen verglichen.
oh wow this is fun, #Screens for #iPadOS (i also use it on #macOS) has that Screens Connect feature but they also added a #tailscale integration so you get a populated list of your assets in a tailnet. everything in here will be commandeered by your private encrypted backplane.
if you're new to my #householdIT, i use tailscale to bridge two house nets. when i'm out here in PHL, i can still access the filers/media and household #AI back in iowa city. sweet!
also to facilitate cute #automations.
Do you organize your desktop icons, or is it just a mess of screenshots and downloads?
No sabía que la app del Tiempo de #macOS se podía poner en la barra de menús de forma nativa. Queda cuqui, aunque creo que me resulta más práctico como un widget en el escritorio.
It's time once again to update your iPhones, iPads, Macs, as Apple has just released a patch to address a serious bug that the company claims is currently being exploited by hackers to gain access to devices.
#apple #ios18 #macos #iphone #security
I can't get over how good this looks...
This beautiful 3D printed M4 Mac Mini case uses a 9.7" iPad panel for its display. It features the signatures of the original Mac Team embossed on the bottom. The designer, @jerrod also has a version that works as a display stand for the @trmnl e-ink smart display.
You can check out more of Jerrod's designs and support his work over on Makerworld--
Still not impressed with #Apple turning #AppleIntelligence on in #macOS after every fucking update. (This is my work machine, my home machines dont run macOS.)
Ich kann im Gegenzug alles vom (A)uto bis zum (Z)uckerstreuer reparieren. Oder Computer mit #Linux oder #MacOS fixen. Oder bei #Prostatakarzinom zur Seite stehen. Mathe, Informatik und Naturwissenschaftliche Nachhilfe geht auch immer. Was auch immer - ich brauche halt wirklich Hilfe...
Someone call the Formula 1 web team. It seems that their store website doesn't like Linux clients. I get a 403 when trying to visit on my Fedora ThinkPad, but it works fine on my MacBook Pro and iPhone Pro.
We are seeing more and more people heading our way. It is a response to people being fed up with Big Tech and their role in current affairs. Have you made the switch yet? Are you ready to make it? Have you told your friends?
#Vivaldi #BigTech #Windows #Macos #Linux #Android #ios #Politics @Vivaldi
CrossOver 25 beats Proton to bring Wine 10 to Linux and macOS!
Also, when was the last time you saw an ad - complete with actors - for a software update? :)
CrossOver 25 beats Proton to bring Wine 10 to Linux and macOS!
Also, when was the last time you saw an ad - complete with actors - for a software update? :)
I totally love to hear nice feedback for my #NeoFinder for #macOS software, like this fresh praise from an architecture photographer from Australia:
"I have to say NeoFinder has changed my career! Such a useful app."
"I have to say NeoFinder has changed my career! Such a useful app."
Wonderful #NeoFinder praise from an architecture photographer from Australia.
#Apple’s 2025 software revamp brings #iOS 19, #iPadOS 19, and #macOS 16 a bold new look. Expect Vision Pro-inspired style and simpler navigation.