From a series of 3D tributes to childhood game nostalgia I made in the 2000s.
Hunter was a filled-vector style Amiga game, released in 1991:
From a series of 3D tributes to childhood game nostalgia I made in the 2000s.
Hunter was a filled-vector style Amiga game, released in 1991:
Hatte gestern einen eigentlich ziemlich hässlichen 720K Diskettensatz in der Post. Den Dingern sah man ihre 35 Jahre doch schon ziemlich an, aber die Optik war in dem Fall nebensächlich, denn das Auslesen per KryoFlux war dann eine wirklich positive Überraschung. Alle Datenträger waren absolut perfekt lesbar!
Es handelt sich um die deutsche Vollversion von Microsoft Excel 2.1d. Diese Fassung von Excel wurde noch rein über MS-DOS installiert und lief auf Windows ab Version 2.x. Ziemlich historisch. Hier gibt es die kompletten Flux- und IMG-Images, sowie 300dpi Scans aller Disketten:
Viel Spaß!
Since I’m currently fiddling with SuSE 6.4 which I have running in a VM (and soon on hardware again, I hope), here are some screenshots from #GIMP 1.1 on SuSE Linux 6.4. Around 25 years old.
New video! Trying to fix a really badly broken Commodore 16, taking numerous wrong turns along the way.
YouTube: https://youtu.be/k_PFjvFz9v0
PeerTube: https://makertube.net/w/xrumFds6iLf5FXVvr9Txdk
I made this living #vintagecomputing exhibit at Develer near Florence
New video for Patrons:
Let's Code Commodore PET 0x02: Snakes on a PET
For all tiers, even free one, so join up!
#letscode #commodore #commodorePET #retrocomputing
"More Fun Making It" creates fun videos about repairing and restoring classic computers and other tech, especially the ZX Spectrum, Commodore 64, Amiga etc. You can follow at:
There are already over a hundred videos uploaded. If these haven't federated to your server yet, you can browse them all at https://makertube.net/a/morefunmakingit/videos
From a series of 3D tributes to childhood game nostalgia I made in the 2000s.
I designed this game named Hoi for the Amiga, released worldwide on two diskettes in 1992.
New video: Commodore C16 From Hell Repair
This is another dead Commodore machine from the pile of machines that eazy brought over at the beginning of the year. This time it is a TED machine: the venerable C16. It is completely dead, shows no signs of life. But this has never stopped us. Probably a dead CPU. How bad can it be, eh?
#Sunday I (finally!) started #CircleOfBlood (aka #BrokenSword #ShadowOfTheTemplars). Even though the "reforged" version came out, I wanted to play the original as I found a new old-stock in box one last year. I can't believe this game is nearly 30 years old.
I chose my #Apple #iBook #G3 and sit comfortably on the couch. The battery I have rebuilt for it last year seems to be holding up well — and, perhaps more importantly, hasn't exploded yet.
#MARCHintosh #RetroGaming #RetroComputing #OS9
Yay! The replay of today's stream is on the tube.
Patching someone in via Discord worked great, we even shared screens without my internet connection dying.
Few tweaks for next week's stream and I'm probably going to invite anyone to call in and chat during the stream.
M-Net’s Altos 68000 getting cleaned up for the Interim Computer Festival this weekend. Access the current incarnation of M-Net/Arbornet at SDF Vintage Systems https://sdf.org #vintagecomputing #retrocomputing #community
Hatte heute Nachmittag eine echt schöne 5 1/4 Zoll HD Diskettenversion von Windows 3.0 in der Post. Das Auslesen per KryoFlux lief auch fast perfekt, bis auf ein paar unlesbare Sektoren auf insgesamt drei Spuren auf Diskette Nr. 5. Die Fehler beschränkten sich zum Glück auf eine einzelne Datei und so konnte ich das schnell und sauber per Hex Editor in Ordnung bringen.
Den fertigen, sauberen und getesteten Satz an 1.2MB IMGs und 300dpi JPGs hab ich wie immer gleich mal ins Internet Archiv hochgeladen:
Viel Spaß!
We are converting the original Spelunky tutorial level and we have a guest on the stream today!
See you over on:
@iFixit I'll add "Retro" to the list. We shouldn't only repair hardware that is still current; obsolete hardware may still have a useful life.
For example, manufacturers should be obligated to release full hardware schematics and complete firmware source code for discontinued products. Also, documentation on server APIs that it might have depended upon.
Reduce, Reuse, Repair, (years later) Retro, and only then Recycle.
#retro #retrocomputing #retrogaming
Linux User Space makes videos about the history of Linux distributions and Linux-related software. You can follow at:
There are already 26 videos uploaded, if they haven've federated to your server yet you can browse them all at https://tilvids.com/a/linuxuserspace/videos
You can also follow their general social media account at @linuxuserspace@mastodon.social