You asked, we delivered!
Perfect for those springs that mysteriously vanished across the room—never to be seen again.
The C16 from @eazy is fully restored. The broken 64K mod was replaced with one from Idörégész. The cut traces were restored. So if anyone wants to bring the C16 back to factory condition, it is now possible. Although the mainboard is a bit beat up, and the bottom shell has two cutouts. Would be nice to have a replacement bottom shell...
#retrocomputing #commodore #c16 #plus4
New video: C1531 Datassette Refurb
The Commodore Datassette is a very classic and iconic piece of equipment. It had a couple of variants. Today we have a black C1531 for the Commodore 264 range of computers: C116, C16 and Plus/4. It has some mechanical issues that we will try to fix.
#commodore #c64 #c16 #plus4 #datassette #retrocomputing
#Elite loaded up on my #Commodore Trinity; #C64, #C16 and #VIC20
Let’s figure out where the noise is coming from. On the C16 and any other 264 series machine the TED chip does audio, video and I/O. Pin 33 on the chip is the sound output it seems. During a directory listing this stays flat on the scope. When I run a game we can see the waveform. So this rules out the TED chip I would say.
#commdore #c16 #plus4
But what is VERY weird on this machine is that you can HEAR the IEC bus. It only happens on disk transfers. I really want to figure out why this happens.
#commodore #c16 #retrocomputing #plus4
Not sure if I posted this one yet, it is another one of @eazy's dead patients. It's a Commodore C16 with a dead CPU. I figured that out quite quickly. But this is far from everything that can be told about this machine...
#commodore #c16 #retrocomputing
I'm currently enhancing a type-in chess game for the #Commodore16 #C16 computer. The game was originally just the single letter interface (on the left) so I'm trying, slowly, to build the program up to a full-fat chess game, but still in 16k.
Let's be honest, there's not many chess type-ins in the wild!
File: ./musicians/braintron/uranus.prg
Module: ./musicians/braintron/uranus.prg
#C16 #CommodorePlus4 #TED #chiptune
This is an interface I built to connect a USB keyboard (wireless!) to a Commodore C16.
The OLED display is here for debug purposes - to show USB HID keystrokes and their mapping to the 8x8 matrix.
All that because I don't have the original keyboard (nor RF modulator - the one on the photo came from a C128).
Got an "arriving early" delivery notice in the email today!!!!
Video Here:
One Million tapes duplicated.. Buy any 3 of them for £13.49 (+tax & P&P obvs) #RetroGaming #8Bit #ZXSpectrum #C64 #VIC20 #CPC #C16 #PET #CassetteTapes
File: ./musicians/hoffman/chromatic_admiration.prg
Module: ./musicians/hoffman/chromatic_admiration.prg
#C16 #CommodorePlus4 #TED #chiptune
I've done the same LED taming on my #C16 computer too. But this time I used a pair of 1.5K resistors (equiv to 3K Ohms) to reduce the brightness of the yellow LED.
See before & after photos...
Next up is @8bitgames‘s great new game Blackwood Manor. We play this on the #commodore #c16.
#retrogaming #interactivefiction
Mi primer computadora, allá por 1986, fue una Commodore 16. Luego de un tiempo, la vendí para comprar una Commodore 128 usada. Cuando empecé a coleccionar home computers, en 1999, recién pude conseguir ese eslabón faltante: la Commodore 64.
La alegría inmensa de hacer realidad ese sueño de pibe un día llegó. Tener las tres, una al lado de la otra, completas y funcionando: C16, C64 y C128.