New video! Trying to fix a really badly broken Commodore 16, taking numerous wrong turns along the way.
YouTube: https://youtu.be/k_PFjvFz9v0
PeerTube: https://makertube.net/w/xrumFds6iLf5FXVvr9Txdk
New video! Trying to fix a really badly broken Commodore 16, taking numerous wrong turns along the way.
YouTube: https://youtu.be/k_PFjvFz9v0
PeerTube: https://makertube.net/w/xrumFds6iLf5FXVvr9Txdk
I'm currently enhancing a type-in chess game for the #Commodore16 #C16 computer. The game was originally just the single letter interface (on the left) so I'm trying, slowly, to build the program up to a full-fat chess game, but still in 16k.
Let's be honest, there's not many chess type-ins in the wild!
This is an interface I built to connect a USB keyboard (wireless!) to a Commodore C16.
The OLED display is here for debug purposes - to show USB HID keystrokes and their mapping to the 8x8 matrix.
All that because I don't have the original keyboard (nor RF modulator - the one on the photo came from a C128).
Grazie a @Ready64-official , riscopriamo MLX, un programma per C64 che permette di trascrivere programmi in Linguaggio Macchina senza fare errori, e un classico libro di listati in BASIC del 1989, questa volta per Commodore 16 e Plus/4. Vediamo di che si tratta! #commodore64 #commodore16 #commodoreplus4 #BASIC #retrogaming https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hOBMDIc8sxY
This freshly delivered #Commodore16 looks & feels like it is brand new from the factory! The serial number on the C16 itself matches with the S/N on the box which is a neat little bonus. Thinking about sending off the registration card to QVC, I mean to Commodore HQ.
#Commodore #RETROGAMING #Vintage #8Bit #Retro
Check this out—there's a vintage Commodore 16 up for auction on Goodwill, complete with the original box and a tutorial book. Currently, it's going for $111 right now, and the auction ends soon—less than 24 hours left. Here's the link: https://www.shopgoodwill.com/Item/211023372
@jmechner we all need your major absolution against the horrible sin that we've recently done. Please bless us all, and my mate TCFS in primis
Unequal twins.
#commodore #plus4 #commodore16 #retrogaming