Has anyone noticed a slowdown in the initial buffering of YouTube videos in the last week? There has been a noticeable increase in the time it takes for videos to start on my Apple TV in the YouTube app. It’s still only a few seconds, but before it was basically instant.
Speedtest app on Apple TV shows fast ping (16ms) and download speeds (500+ Mbps). Virgin Media status check shows no issues.
Has YouTube made a change to the servers or app? Or switched to a different CDN?
Crazy day tomorrow. Pokémon Presents at 6 in the morning. #TMNT Black Ops event at 9 am. #MonsterHunterWilds launching at 9pm. I gotta squeeze work in there somewhere…
Still annoyed that I can’t play #MicrosoftSolitaire on my #XBox. C’mon…
Well.... We are now a 2 EV family..... My husband traded in the Tiguan and leased a 2024 ID.4. Just say, it's pretty nice. Since we only have a 1 car garage and the charger is inside we need to have a garage schedule
#FirstWorldProblems #EV #ID4 #MME
Someone has coffee machine troubles, and it reminds me of this “fun” anecdote and/or distressing experience
(I am a tea drinker, so it didn’t affect me as much):
Many employers ago, the office coffee machine broke. As it happens in programmer-filled rooms, total panic ensued.
Then someone said, “I have coffee!” and the crowd lit up.
However, the coffee was instant, powdery, and decaf.
Never before did I come this close to witnessing a murder.
Ultimate #FirstWorldProblems toot - Steam is slow today
I didn't get to charge my car at work today because too many people have EVs now and we need more chargers. This means I have to charge at home tonight and pay sky high PG&E rates
#EV #FirstWorldProblems
Ugh, even worse, neighbor across the street had a tree service come over and mulch a bunch of stuff so the cars got a nice coating of dust already. #FirstWorldProblems
@khalidabuhakmeh #FirstWorldProblems! I just use a bowl shallow enough to reach all parts with my tongue
I don't actually mind Comcast's internet service that much. Yes, it's expensive. And yes, data limits suck. But yeah... America.
But it takes me literally 10-20 minutes to just log in and load the "How much data I have left" page, if it loads at all. How can any website be this slow
My old and busted personal desktop PC has zero USB-C ports and that's starting to become mildly inconvenient anno 2025
When you’re falling behind with #PokémonScarletViolet #TeraRaid s, but you’re currently addicted to camo grinding in #CallOfDuty #BlackOps6.
Mein Auto lädt am HPC Charger zu schnell. Ich kann nicht mal in Ruhe ein Eis essen und aufs Klo gehen.
Immer diese Hektik.
Shopped for groceries and party stuff. Three separate shopping lists.
One and a half trolleys full and therefore 2 trips to the car park.
I bridged my accounts to #bluesky ... so what it put publicly in Mastodon is posted there... I don't really want to be in both places independently ... but the bridge does not allow to respond... should i have a respond only account in there?
I'm a little torn. I really love my #Synthwave theme (or #LightBarf, as @amin calls it
I think I'd honestly be happiest with a light retro-X11 theme with no antialiasing, but it doesn't quite look right on modern high-res screens. XD
Good morning, y'all! ^__^
When we talk about late-stage capitalism we don't discuss enough how first world countries have been killing thousands of young workers in developing countries with silicosis of the lungs for more than 40 years because people like to pay more money for jeans that look worn and don't last as long.
Oh, and a stone washed or acid washed jean require 70+ liters of water and acid and toxic chemicals.
busybee: fluffy rambles: More Mac M4 thoughts https://beesbuzz.biz/blog/13994-More-Mac-M4-thoughts #FirstWorldProblems #RetailTherapy #Hardware #Apple #macOS #Blog
Tea time! All I have at the moment are tea bags, but they're Twinings so it'll do until I can get my Yorkshire Gold fix.
Good tea is hard to find here in the States.