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Skończyłem pisać ten wpis o 23:36 wczoraj - było trochę za póżno na publikację.
Ale wrzucam teraz, dokładnie tak samo podjarany jak wtedy gdy ten tekst powstał.
Zapraszam do lektury, dla odmiany, pozytywnego wpisu!
Pokémon Presents: Legends Z-A, GCC e tutte le novità
#GameNews #Gaming #GamingIndustry #GCCPokémonPocket #LegendsZA #NintendoSwitch #Notizie #Novità #Pokémon #PokémonChampions #PokémonPresents #TechNews #Tecnologia #VideoGame #Videogiochi
Definitely for me but I’m not excited about the game. Then again I was also pretty lukewarm about PLA when they announced it back then so I’m ready to be proven wrong!
Crazy day tomorrow. Pokémon Presents at 6 in the morning. #TMNT Black Ops event at 9 am. #MonsterHunterWilds launching at 9pm. I gotta squeeze work in there somewhere…
Who will be the Starter Pokémon in Legends: Z-A?
Pokemon, Xbox and Annapurna announce showcases for next week
It's going to be a hectic week for new game announcements
#News #Annapurna #AnnapurnaInteractive #Direct #IDXBOX #indie #pokemon #PokemonPresents #xbox
Oh wow a Pokemon presents on the 27th what a surprise nobody could have guessed that on the same day Pokemon does this every year they’d do it again in 2025…
anyways honestly don’t expect much beyond legends Z-A being given proper spotlight and an official release date…
Pokémon Presents annunciato per il 27 Febbraio
#Annunci #Eventi #Febbraio2025 #GameNews #Gamer #Gaming #GamingIndustry #Nintendo #Notizie #Novità #Pokémon #PokémonLegends #PokémonPresents #Streaming #TechNews #VideoGame #Videogiochi
Pokémon Presents 2025 è stato confermato
#2025 #Eventi #GameNews #Gamer #Gaming #Leak #Nintendo #NintendoSwitch2 #Notizie #Novità #Pokémon #PokémonDay #PokémonPresents #Rumors #Tecnologia #VideoGame #Videogiochi
Because once info gets into the news, it’s basically impossible to get it taken down. The media is generally not liable for how their sources got the original info, and are quite free to share everything if they so desire.
If we see the whole plot of Z-A or lots of Gen 10 details leak, then I can genuinely see them having to rush out a #PokemonPresents in record time just to have any control at all.
Un nouveau studio, nommé Pokémon Card D Studio, a été créé par The Pokémon Company et DeNA !
Il travaillera sur l'application Pokémon TCG Pocket qui a été annoncée lors du #PokemonPresents du 27 février dernier.
Voici la suite des annonces du #PokemonPresents du 27 février pour le #PokemonDay !
Voici les annonces du #PokemonPresents du 27 février pour le #PokemonDay !
Pour vous aider lors de vos recherche sur Raikou, annoncées hier lors du #PokémonPresents, une semaine Électrik aura lieu sur #PokémonSleep !
Récapitulatif des annonces du #PokemonPresents pour le jeu mobile #PokemonCafeReMix !
Récapitulatif des annonces du #PokemonPresents sur le jeu Nintendo Switch et mobile #PokemonUNITE !