How fast is the Universe expanding? This astronomer took cosmology closer to an answer
Wendy Freedman is part of Nature’s 10, a list of people who shaped science in 2024.

How fast is the Universe expanding? This astronomer took cosmology closer to an answer
Wendy Freedman is part of Nature’s 10, a list of people who shaped science in 2024.
Webb Researchers Discover Lensed Supernova, Confirm Hubble Tension
On France Culture today: The Hubble Tension
... in an interview by the excellent Celine Loozen I talk about our Cosmicflows-4 measurement of the Hubble Constant, as well as the value inferred from Ho'oleilana, that are both exacerbating the tension.
in the #arXiv
DESI Peculiar Velocity Survey – Fundamental Plane
by Khaled Said and co-authors
Difference ways of measuring the Hubble Constant still don't agree with each other, yet.
"A long-awaited study of the cosmic expansion rate suggests that when it comes to the Hubble tension, cosmologists are still missing something."
Everything you wanted to know about The Hubble Constant Tension
Editors Eleonora Di Valentino, Dillon Brout
A Population II TRGB-SBF Route to H0 with HST and JWST
by Brent Tully, tomorrow at @astroIAP
Introducing the Mass Hyperplane (MH), to measure the peculiar velocities of 2496 galaxies at z < 0.12 from the GAMA sample
by Mustafa Burak Dogruel and co-authors
Bulk Flow Motion Detection in the Local Universe with Pantheon+ Type Ia Supernovae
... with a new measurement of the Hubble Constant.
by Maria Lopes, Armando Bernui, Camila Franco, and Felipe Avila
https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.3847/1538-4357/ad3735 #openaccess
World’s top cosmologists convene to question conventional view of the universe
Meeting at London’s Royal Society will scrutinise basic model first formulated in 1922 that universe is a vast, even expanse with no notable features.
Improving the foundation of the cosmic distance ladder and reinforcing the possibility of physics beyond ΛCDM:
Small Magellanic Cloud Cepheids Observed with HST Provide a New Anchor for the SH0ES Distance Ladder
by Louise Breuval and co-authors
in the #arXiv
SN H0pe: The First Measurement of H0 from a Multiply-Imaged Type Ia Supernova, Discovered by JWST
by Massimo Pascale and co-authors
Their result agrees with other local universe measurements, increasing evidence of the Hubble tension.
New study just made the crisis in Cosmology worse
A simultaneous solution to the Hubble tension and observed bulk flow within 250 Mpc/h
New video, by Anton Petrov a.k.a. WhatDaMath, on the aforementioned subject
"Study Tries To Solve Hubble Tension But Reveals Something Strange Instead"
If You Account for the Laniakea Supercluster, The Hubble Tension Might Be Even Larger
This Ginormous Bubble of Nearby Galaxies Could Be a Relic of The Big Bang
Meet Ho'oleilana.
by Michelle Starr @riding_red [birdsitelive.samedwards.ca] writing for @ScienceAlert [universeodon.com]
#ginormous #ho'oleilana #hooleilana #cosmology #bao #astronomy #astrophysics #astrodon #universe #space #science #alert #sciencealert #research #news #researchnews #discovery #hubbleconstant #physics
‘Bubble’ of galaxies discovery may revolutionise cosmology
Cullan Howlett on the new measurement of the Hubble constant inferred from Ho'oleilana, in the press release by the University of Queensland: “We’re now a step closer to a great change in the field of cosmology, where the whole model of the universe might need re-evaluating.”
#ho'oleilana #hooleilana #cosmology #bao #astronomy #astrophysics #astrodon #universe #space #science #research #hubbleconstant #physics