On the cover of Science Magazine this week
Interstellar Dust: Mapping dust properties in the Milky Way
Credit image: ESO/Serge Brunier
On the cover of Science Magazine this week
Interstellar Dust: Mapping dust properties in the Milky Way
Credit image: ESO/Serge Brunier
Hot of the press at CEA IRFU
APOD: 2025 March 13 - The Protostars within Lynds 483
I am getting really excited for the GR Amaldi meeting in July. Lots of plans are coming together
Abstract submission deadline is Friday 21 March
Registration is open. We will have a free Early Career Workshop before the main meeting, but places are limited
We will have public talks, a reception at the Glasgow Science Centre, and a science ceilidh at the conference dinner! Stay tuned for details on a sci/art exhibit
The new issue of Worlds of IF Science Fiction is out. It features a beautiful cover art "Out of an Amber Sky" by Rodney Matthews. An essay with a Lovecraftian title: "From Deep Darkness Came Murmurs of Awakening", by yours truly. And much more.
APOD: 2025 March 11 – NGC 1672: Barred Spiral Galaxy from Hubble
Check this out: this a tactile model of the Cosmic Web, produced by Amelia Ortiz Gil, Vicent Martinez and team as part of their project: Tactile 3D models for research and outreach in astronomy.
The model used is the Cosmic V-Web inferred from Cosmicflows-2:
James Webb Space Telescope Spots Mysterious, Free-Floating Mass
The strange body could be a rogue planet or a so-called 'failed star.'
I had the pleasure to be interviewed by Alexandre Morales for France Culture, to talk about the discovery of Quipu, one of the largest known structure of the Universe. It will air tomorrow morning at 6:52.
Here is the press release by the authors of the discovery at MPI Garching https://www.mpg.de/24197951/largest-superstructure-in-the-nearby-universe
At the beginning of #time and the center of every black hole lies a point of infinite density called a #singularity.
To explore these enigmas, we take what we know about #space, time, #gravity and quantum mechanics and apply it to a place where all of those things simply break down.
Physicists believe that if they can come up with a coherent explanation for what actually happens in and around singularities, something revelatory will emerge.
#physics #cosmology
Astronomers discover 'Quipu,' the single largest structure in the known universe
A modest space telescope with an innovative design is about to search for traces of a key moment in cosmic history: the first tiny fraction of the first second following the Big Bang.
#Evidence mounts for undiscovered #Planet in #SolarSystem
❛❛ for the past decade, #astronomers have been finding it increasingly likely that something big – often called #PlanetX – might actually be out there. A new #study by a team from #Princeton #University has substantially raised the likelihood that it really exists. ❜❜
APOD: 2025 February 19 – HH 30: A Star System with Planets Now Forming
APOD: 2025 February 18 – Thors Helmet versus the Seagull
First results obtained by the k’niPatn k’l⌣ stk’masqt outrigger (KKO) telescope
KKO is located on the traditional territory of the Similamix People in British Columbia. The Upper Similkameen Indian Band offered the name, which means “a listening device for outer space”.
More insights on this project: https://arxiv.org/abs/2402.07898
For centuries, scientists have puzzled over the idea that #time flows irreversibly from past to future.
While this seems obvious, the underlying laws of #physics do not inherently favor a single direction.
Whether time moves forward or backwards, the equations remain the same.
Understanding the true nature of time could have profound implications for quantum mechanics, #cosmology and beyond.
"Every one of us has tens of trillions of neutrinos passing through us every second, but fewer than five of them actually interact with the matter in our bodies in our entire lifetimes."