Sexy miniature bust
Primal Huntress Bust from Kingdom Death #KingdomDeath #miniaturepainting
Pinup style miniature
This is the second Summer Goth from Kingdom Death I’ve painted. This one I did the freehand tattoos on her body. #kingdomdeath #miniaturepainting
Next set of #MiniaturePainting projects. Preparing to prime then base coat these.
Finished the basing for the Crimson Croc on Wed.
Hoping to finish up Atnas today. #KingdomDeathMonster Black Friday sale went fine last night. My wallet survived as there were only 4 items I needed to get as I've already backed all the Waves in 2020.
Candle is lit.
Music is on.
Cat is situated under the vent for when the heat kicks in.
(2 pics)
Good stopping point. Actually finished painting the Crimson Croc and was able to get started on the basing. I'm thinking I should be able to move the basing forward each night since it usually required things drying anyway. In preparation I made a Mod Podge & water concoction and put it in a 1 ML spray bottle for better control when I'm setting basing elements. (3 pics)
Then I get to have another all day painting sprint Wed - Fri.
Reference photo:
Today is going to be a leisurely day of #MiniaturePainting. Next week I've got a 2 day work week then I took off Wed so I'll have Wed - Friday for painting. Sat is the renfair.
Crimson Croc is primed and ready to go!
Candle is lit.
Music is on.
Cat has decided he'll allow me to gaze upon his visage while I paint.
Nude miniature
I’m really proud of this Summer Lucy Painters Scale from @kingdomdeath I also have the 30mm painted but this one is just a little better imo
#kingdomdeath #shoshiesminis #miniaturepainting
Spoiler alert
Birthday Aya from @kingdomdeath is one of the less weird of the weird models I’ve painted from KD. #kingdomdeath #shoshiesminis
I have just finished photographing a bunch of finished KD models I’ve painted so I’ll be posting them over the next few days! First up is the Sci-Fi Lucy painters scale from @kingdomdeath that I modified so it looks more like she has a suit on instead of a bikini. #kingdomdeath #scifilucy #shoshiesminis