Ready to get back to painting. I'll have the rest of today and all day tomorrow.
This is Frogdog from #KingdomDeathMonster. I'll be entering him into the #KDM painting contest. I don't expect to place but I'd love to get recognized and get a participation coin like I did in 2023.
Base colors chosen.
Candle is lit.
Music is on.
The cat is upstairs where it's warmer.
The Mr is hardware hacking a hotspot.
#SlaytheGray #PaintingMiniatures #MiniaturePainting #PaintingMinis #MiniPainting #PaintSlam2025 #PaintSlam
(2 pics)
Next set of #MiniaturePainting projects. Preparing to prime then base coat these.
Finished the basing for the Crimson Croc on Wed.
Hoping to finish up Atnas today. #KingdomDeathMonster Black Friday sale went fine last night. My wallet survived as there were only 4 items I needed to get as I've already backed all the Waves in 2020.
Candle is lit.
Music is on.
Cat is situated under the vent for when the heat kicks in.
(2 pics)
Good stopping point. Actually finished painting the Crimson Croc and was able to get started on the basing. I'm thinking I should be able to move the basing forward each night since it usually required things drying anyway. In preparation I made a Mod Podge & water concoction and put it in a 1 ML spray bottle for better control when I'm setting basing elements. (3 pics)
Then I get to have another all day painting sprint Wed - Fri.
Reference photo:
Today is going to be a leisurely day of #MiniaturePainting. Next week I've got a 2 day work week then I took off Wed so I'll have Wed - Friday for painting. Sat is the renfair.
Crimson Croc is primed and ready to go!
Candle is lit.
Music is on.
Cat has decided he'll allow me to gaze upon his visage while I paint.
These are the Smog Singers from #KingdomDeathMonster. They are done and honestly that's the goal. Meh
Here is the reference photo I was using.
The next. painting project are the Smog Singers from… guessed it….#KingdomDeathMonster
The reference photo I have uses several pastel type colors so this should be interesting. Primed white to make those colors pop more.
Airbrush has been cleaned.
Candle is lit.
Music is on.
Cat in hidey-hole sleeping.
Let's do this.
Finished up the Black Knight from #KingdomDeathMonster
I'm happy with it. I tried punching up highlights on the cape but was still cautious cause it could use way more but that's as comfortable as I got with practicing the technique.
Decided to delay with assembly to focus on painting again. I really got invigorated after #ReaperCon2024
I’ll be focused, for the most part, on the #GamblersChest #KingdomDeathMonster monsters for the rest of the year and I've even found all my reference photos already. They are all large models so will take time to finish each one. On the plus side, after taking classes at #Reapercon, I am more confident in trying new techniques. I am a hands on learner so no amount of watching videos was ever going to work for me.
This bad guy is the Black Knight from the Black Knight expansion. It's also the FIRST time I've been happy with how my airbrush priming came out.
Music is on.
Candle is lit.
Cat is lurking.
Mr is airbrushing some terrain he 3D printed.
Glueing up my #KingdomDeathMonster Gambler's Chest storage insert then I can really organize the game properly.
Waiting for #KingdomDeathMonster holiday sales are nerve racking....
Tonight we played our first #KingdomDeathMonster using our new #WyrmwoodMGT table.
Mild lewd
I am really proud of how my latest miniature turned out
Kingdom Death, horror
The Phoenix has landed! Those 20+ little hands were tricky to put in but the detail looks fantastic