Kneeling in heels
Kneeling in heels
Naked power.
(...well, at least my latest attempt at drawing her; I've never gotten her to look "on-model" in my style but maybe that means I need to practice even more )
nsfw explicit druid elk, hyper, nipple penetration, urethral penetration, eggs into balls, tentacles
@6MY @7xien (for anyone curious about previous botanical encounters:)
Zabu enjoying some bear dragon cock, as a treat.
Picture by @KingZabu https://www.furaffinity.net/user/king-zabu
Doodling for fun. Reminds me of the old days of D&D art. I let the background be very flat, I'm not sure it's the right choice, still feeling out more value-related stuff.
Latex Bot
I drew this comic for the @ygorarepairs mini bang! Weevil/Pegasus is a rare pair, huh?
I partnered with oxeyed, and you must read the fic they wrote based on my comic!
"Imago Bestiolae" - https://archiveofourown.org/works/63745873
touching signs.
Toronto. September 27th, 2023.
We can feel it, this warmth at the edge of our hairlines, when someone acts with care towards us. It is this worm of kindness, burrowing its way into our brains.
Chained up in boots
re: Link to NSFW art stream, art containing nudity
AND WE ARE LIVE! Come get your $12.00 CAD spicy comms, two character limit, one character preferred, slots are limited!
Link to NSFW art stream, art containing nudity
Gonna be going live today at 4:30 PM EST/1:30 PM PST taking your guys spicy sketch comms in The Fox Hole~
Yes I know it's Tuesday
Moo moo!!
Drawing I made a few months ago! Who doesn't love a cowgirl?
This is from a game I play sometimes in my mobile (Degrees of Lewdity... don't judge me). I loved the cow transformation and I had to draw it myself
Guro (consensual), body horror, sexual nudity, guts
Wrapped up present ο(=•ω<=)
a quick sketch of olivia fireemblem. it's been a long time and i was feeling a bit nostalgic
Pregnancy, Partial Nudity, Furry
From February/March 2025
Art by
Break between breathing exercises.
Wondering what that look they're giving you means....
Let's just stay in tonight
NSFW plushie
These are my leftover plushies for sale!
Dimensions for the brown shaft, black top: 35cm, 17 cm girth.
Price: 50€ +15€ international shipping
free shipping in EU
Dimensions for the black shaft, pink top: 45 cm long, 21 cm girth.
Price: 60€ +15€ international shipping
free shipping in EU
If you'd like to buy one, send me a message or email me! (rat.handmade.crafts@gmail.com)
I'll need your PayPal email address for the invoice and full address for the shipping.
I send with registered mail, tracking code included.
Mink 100% polyester
Polyester fibre filling
Terms of Service: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BKBRz5hDC4NbO-M1HEjQihimu5X05ZSW/view