What if they add the Canadian Prime Minister to the Canada war group chat texts...
I wrote what that might be like:

What if they add the Canadian Prime Minister to the Canada war group chat texts...
I wrote what that might be like:
#Satire & #Parody picks of the day:
I want Mike Waltz to advise me on National Security and am glad he is our National Security Advisor.
"Fighting age male of middle-east appearance" caught in the act.
This was nothing more than a pure #RageBait for #trump and #maga idiots, as for some reason a tag about the government shut down a bit ago was refusing to die on #scoopz
It's an outro I made as #satire for other political videos, with "Vladdy Daddy," as the #music
They put it at the top of the tags main page of promoted videos for some reason, and now it's going #viral
I'm shocked how well the effects line up. Made it for a different song xD
First they came for everyone.
And the University Presidents said "TAKE EVERYONE! WE CAN'T TOUCH OUR ENDOWMENTS!!"
First they came for everyone.
typisches Vor-Sich-Hinwelken
#satire #mikejohnson
You probably know Rep. Mike Johnson (R-Louisiana) as Speaker of the House.
Mike Johnson sees himself: as the man God chose, out of the 8 billion people roaming the Earth, to be the New Moses.How, you might wonder, did MJ come to this odd conclusion? Did he happen to catch the 1956 film The TenCommandments & decide that he and its star, Charlton Heston, had more in common than their staunch opposition to background checks for assault-rifle fanciers?
mein Personalfeed
#ard - #zdf #Alternative
Grimes Slaps ‘I Bought This Before Elon Went Crazy’ Sticker On Child
First Nations offer to buy ‘iconic’ Hudson’s Bay store chain for tobacco, blanket.
The only reasonable way to handle this is to lock Musk out of Tesla headquarters and then randomly fire employees and shutter offices until this waste and fraud is discovered.
@derpostillon ha ha #Satire geht anders
Experts fear Trump administration will corrupt beacon of integrity Doug Ford
". “Our sweet boy from sleepy little Etobicoke is used to putting people first, making decisions based on positive output, and being consistently transparent. Those Yankees might give him some bad ideas!”
“Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary”
- Karl Marx
#usa #guns #guncontrol #blackpower #policebrutality #antifa #comedy #satire
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