Mein Glitzersticker "Oster-Otterhase mit Huhn" ist jetzt im Etsy-Shop gelistet.
Das ist jetzt kein digitaler sondern ein echter Aufkleber. Von mir handgemacht, zum überall Hinpappen.
#Ostern #Otter #Sticker #StickerBusiness #Werbung #Eigenwerbung
Bei der Auslieferung ist er natürlich ohne Wasserzeichen.
Thirty lonely but beautiful actions you can take right now:
4. Print out little stickers. Write a message on them. Put them up on poles, in restrooms, at gas stations. Make them pithy, but focus on the person you might imagine reading it. Don’t lead with “Trump and Musk are fascists” however true that might be. The people for whom that message is appealing are already with us. Instead, say “Trump and Musk don’t care about you.”
5. Buy some chalk. Put it in your bag. Find a good spot and write in big bold letters “Trump and Musk look out for billionaires. Who is looking out for you?”
This is a great article on the little things we all can do to help grow the grassroots including sticker activism.
"Thirty lonely but beautiful actions you can take right now which probably won't magically catalyze a mass movement against Trump but that are still wildly important"
Why? Because others will see you do them, and it will make it easier for them to take their own (slightly less lonely but equally beautiful) action by your side
I will make a
unhinged critter sticker selection from my shop
These moss-covered objects blend the futuristic with the forgotten, bringing an overgrown aesthetic to your journal, laptop, or planner.
The final one of our summer ice cream themed stickers - Boo from the Mario series!
These moss-covered object stickers are the perfect mix of nostalgia and nature.
Nature has reclaimed the objects we once held close. A phone, a tamagochi, a game console—now covered in moss, slowly becoming part of the earth.
Sind die nicht nice?
Ich war heute natürlich beim #Heimspiel vom #afc #AltonaerFussballClub - an der #AJK, wundervollen #Fussball mit #Heimsieg gegen #TSVSasel in der #OberligaHamburg schauen - und bekam einige schöne Exemplar lokaler #sticker Marke Eigenbau geschenkt
Meine @Fuchskind Bestellung ist angekommen
Moss and time work together, turning the forgotten into something beautiful.
Calling all Pokémon fans! Get summer-ready with these Pokémon themed ice cream cone stickers! Several designs are available.
Aber ins Journal könnt ihr den #Sticker ja auch noch nachträglich eintragen
#KissMeImIrish #StPatricksDay
Zu spät, wie immer, aber zum Glück ist der #StPatricksDay in jedem Jahr am 17. März :) Deshalb könnt ihr ihn auch jederzeit hier bestellen:
Ich pappe mir meinen zur Feier bei meiner Freundin aufs T-Shirt ;) (natürlich muss ich ihn dann vor dem Waschen abmachen).
#Sticker #StickerBusiness #Etsy #KissMeImIrish #Irischernationalfeiertag #Eigenwerbung
Once, these objects were part of everyday life. Now, they’re homes for fungi and moss. These stickers capture that quiet transformation.