I have a #Wordpress from 2 years ago with 1 post that I forgot about?
That tracks.
I have a #Wordpress from 2 years ago with 1 post that I forgot about?
That tracks.
#WordPress really doesn't like you making custom blocks without using build tools. I just want to write vanilla JS!
Welche #Wordpress Instanzen benutzen #ActivityPub und #Friends? Da würde ich gerne föderierte Freundschaften aufbauen. Auch ein intensiver Erfahrungsaustausch ist erwünscht.
Anyone know #Torrents better than me? I am trying to share my #streaming vods and other videos on Torrent because, well, too big to put them anywhere else but corpo sites.
I put up one on Internet Archive and tried self-seeding it for a test and...yeah nobody can find my seed even tried downloading it myself on a different PC. No clue.
Found a Torrent plugin for #wordpress but it kinda sucks. I just need a tracker and ideally a non-hideous way to share it online
Sigo sin poder usar las app de #mastodon para controlar e interactuar desde @curiosabiologia. El sitio alvarobayon.com está en #wordpress, tiene activado el plugin #activityPub y he instalado el “enable mastodon app” (EMA)
Esta semana he intentado cacharrear un poco más, desactivando todos los plugin salvo los dos necesarios. Y nada.
¿Alguien tiene alguna idea antes de intentar preguntar en el foro del EMA?
Sono felice di come sia partita la collaborazione con RUnningMilo. Questo è l'articolo uscito qualche giorno fa sul sito:
Buona lettura!
#corsa #run #running #runnerpigro #ultrarunner #mastorunning #bike
Search Engine Journal: Mullenweg Considers Delaying WordPress Releases Through 2027. “A leaked WordPress Slack chat shows that Matt Mullenweg is considering limiting future WordPress releases to just one per year from now through 2027 and insists that the only way to get Automattic to contribute more is to pressure WP Engine to drop their lawsuit. One WordPress developer who read that message […]
WP.com's Query block is seriously the most unintiutive piece of UI ever. Even after reading the documentation I'm scratching my head lol.
If this is true then only @wordpressdotcom [threads.net] would receive updates while the rest of the #WordPress community withers.
I am not a lawyer or time traveler, but from Matt’s odd statements, it appears that #WPEngine may actually win their lawsuit against #Automattic.
Matt on the other hand is “cutting off his nose to spite his face” with these measures, which is baffling honestly.
Avere un contatore di letture sugli articoli di un blog offre diversi vantaggi. Innanzitutto, fornisce un'indicazione immediata della popolarità di un contenuto, permettendo ai lettori di capire quali suscitano maggiore interesse. Si tratta di un dato che può influenzare le loro scelte di lettura, spingendoli verso i contenuti più apprezzati....
Over 1,000 #WordPress Sites Infected with #JavaScript Backdoors Enabling Persistent Attacker Access
Cet exemple d'attaque contre des sites Web est banale (exploitation de #Wordpress non mis à jour) mais j'ai ri en voyant que le greffon malveillant installé se nomme "seo-processor". https://cside.dev/blog/thousands-of-websites-hit-by-four-backdoors-in-3rd-party-javascript-attack
¿Recordáis el Blogroll?
Eso de que entrabas en un blog y descubrías 5 más. Eso que Wordpress se cargó.
Que mala decisión, sin duda alguna supone un retroceso.
Pero ya no hay remedio, Wordpress "mató" al blog.
Ciao amicizie.
Domandona... Amicizie gestiscono un sito wordpress (self hosted) che si basa principalmente su modifiche effettuate dall'utenza stessa sul frontend, vorrebbero che questo sito fosse traducibile in più lingue (sempre da frontend e dall'utenza stessa) e guardando in giro non hanno trovato niente di valido e decente... Weblate sembrerebbe super wow ma sembra non poter funzionare con wordpress... Confermate? Avete Consigli o proposte alternative? (con attenzione alla privacy dell'utenza)
This is a good piece on #Flipboard joining the #Fediverse.
It touches on #Ghost, #Medium, and #WordPress too, but not traditional #publishers. It makes me wonder. Will traditional publishers ever join the Fediverse? What will it take to persuade to them try, even as an experiment? Who will go first? How can we help?
Good #Wordpress theme recommends?
I want zelda.zone to be a bit more of ahhh...not quite "portfolio" but like, I've got blogs, guides, I've got art, I've got videos, I want a landing page that branches out and kinda shows what there is, instead of just a blog roll like I currently have
...also I somehow broke the theme preview, probably my Content Security Policy settings. Does anyone actually use that, every big corpo site I've checked fails audits lmao
#Monetize w/o fees & subscriptions. Keep #revenue in your hands. Discover #Autonomy & Agency! #contentCreators …
#autonomy #contentCreation #contentCreators #contentMonetization #contentstrategy #Ecommerce #indieDev #liveStreaming #monetization #Monetize #opensource #PageSpeed #PatreonAlternative #patreoncreator #patreonFees #podcasting #revenue #seo #Wordpress #YouTubing
ok no pics come through this test post... that's ok. Will take any ideas for a new platform for blogging, maybe one without block editing? I find it impairs my flow.
#blog #wordpress #blogging
The dangers of microdosing
「 Mullenweg not only intends to stay, he’s also thinking about how he plans to manage succession planning. He doesn’t want to pass on what he helped build to a “committee,” but rather to another CEO who will continue to act as a steward to the WordPress community 」