Today's #AniAnimal is this black cat from "You are Ms. Servant".
今日の #アニアニマル は『君は冥土様。』のこの黒猫です。
More info and other AniAnimals at: https://www.anianimals.moe/scene/jyyv2ndqg8rcn9gmryXCtxC/
Today's #AniAnimal is this black cat from "You are Ms. Servant".
今日の #アニアニマル は『君は冥土様。』のこの黒猫です。
More info and other AniAnimals at: https://www.anianimals.moe/scene/jyyv2ndqg8rcn9gmryXCtxC/
Winter? How about this nice moment with Hitoyoshi and Yuki looking like a couple watching their dog Agemochitaro have fun in the snow? @apc #AniMangaFoundIt #anime #YouAreMsServant
Today's #AniAnimal is Agemochitarou the dog from "You are Ms. Servant".
今日の #アニアニマル は『君は冥土様。』に登場する犬のあげもち太郎うです。
More info and other AniAnimals at: https://www.anianimals.moe/scene/qX2sq-XlmT52BkHmSD-C3X/
#FangWatch Riko, the little sister in You are Ms. Servant. (Kimi wa Meido-sama.) has a #FleshFang that becomes part of her actual smile.
Today's #AniAnimal is this depressed dog from "You are Ms. Servant".
今日の #アニアニマル は『君は冥土様。』のこの落ち込んだ犬です。
More info and other AniAnimals at: https://www.anianimals.moe/scene/MbGztWpLLN-ykkvt3xwdBmC/
The animation for this OP is so good!
You are Ms. servant. creditless OP
You Are Ms. Servant. Episode 1 Impressions
This show doesn't have too much that is new, but it looks great. There were some legit laugh out loud and emotional moments.
I always like having rom-coms to watch each season, and this was at least better than Amagami Sisters with its episode 1.
We'll see where this goes in the next couple episodes, but I can see myself enjoying this one
You Are Ms Servant also had a good first episode. This was one I was looking forward to, and it didn't disappoint. As a super cute maid with assassin's skills, it's a lot of fun seeing Ms Servant discover things she likes- and I'm guessing that this won't be the last we see of her Tonkatsu sauce obsession
The You are Ms. Servant Anime Is Scheduled to Premiere in Japan on October 5, 2024
The official Twitter account for the You are Ms. Servant anime has announced that the series is scheduled to premiere in Japan on October 5, 2024.
Crunchyroll to Simulcast the You are Ms. Servant Anime in October 2024