Spring is coming, so I've started tidying up the garden a bit, which means I've been neglecting photography - though only temporarily.
In the meantime, I found a moment to test the in-camera multi-exposure feature, and I'm pleased with the results. Now, I’m just looking forward to next week and hopefully some more interesting weather!
#photography #blackandwhitephotography #monochrome
Coyote Time in the Desert-砂漠のコヨーテタイム-Tiempo de coyotes en el desierto-L'heure du coyote dans le désert-Kojotenzeit in der Wüste
Paris – Palais Royal – Sphere Reflection
In the Courtyard of Honnor, spheres from the fountains by Pol Bury...
#paris #architecture #palaisroyal #sphere #fountains #modernart #reflection #spheres #metal #metallicspheres
#photography #photos #blackandwhitephotography #monochromephotography
"The Field of Silence"
for / zum #SilentSunday / #StillerSonntag
Camera: Agfa Optima II
Film: expired & pushed Ilford FP4+ 35mm film
#field #silence #stille #meadow #analogphotography #AnalogFotografie #blackandwhite #filmphotography #schwarzweiss #blackandwhitephotography #ishootfilm #IlfordFP4 #pushedfilm #IlfordFpplus #pushdevelopment #grainisgood #blackandwhitephotography #naturephotography #AgfaOptima2 #AgfaOptimaII #photography #SchleswigHolstein #believeinfilm
#photography #blackandwhitephotography #monochrome #democracy
Democracy Rooster longs for Canada-Democracy Rooster aspire au Canada-民主主義の雄鶏はカナダを待ち望んでいます-Demokratie Rooster sehnt sich nach Kanada-El gallo democracia anhela Canadá