Don't know college basketball? Don't worry. ChatGPT can pick your March Madness bracket. Via @TechRadar. #ChatGpt #AI #NCAA #MarchMadness #Tech #Technology https://flip.it/UjLKje

Don't know college basketball? Don't worry. ChatGPT can pick your March Madness bracket. Via @TechRadar. #ChatGpt #AI #NCAA #MarchMadness #Tech #Technology https://flip.it/UjLKje
KI-Update kompakt: NOYB-Beschwerde, Open Source, Apple Intelligence, KI-Brücke
Das "KI-Update" liefert werktäglich eine Zusammenfassung der wichtigsten KI-Entwicklungen.
Privacy group files complaint after ChatGPT invents "defamatory" child murder story.
Privacy group Noyb has filed a complaint today against OpenAI for “allowing” its model to invent a "defamatory" child murder story about a Norwegian user.
"By knowingly allowing ChatGPT to produce defamatory results, the company clearly violates the GDPR’s principle of data accuracy," Noyb said.
AI hallucinations: #ChatGPT created a fake child murderer - https://noyb.eu/en/ai-hallucinations-chatgpt-created-fake-child-murderer "By knowingly allowing ChatGPT to produce defamatory results, the company clearly violates the #GDPR’s principle of data accuracy." will become common #noyb
ChatGPT macht Mann zu Mörder: Noyb reicht Datenschutzbeschwerde ein
Ein Mann soll laut ChatGPT zwei Kinder ermordet haben, behauptet ChatGPT. Das stimmt nicht. Noyb legt eine Datenschutzbeschwerde vor.
AI Slop Is a Brute Force Attack on the Algorithms That Control Reality
Generative AI spammers are brute forcing the internet, and it is working.
#TFW #regexp в 6 строчек, написанный #ChatGPT, парсит #Markdown более лучше ①, чем тысячи строк #Redcarpet ② под капотом у #GlitchSoc
"Studie findet heraus, dass KI-Suchmaschinen in einem erstaunlichen Anteil der Fälle falsch liegen"
Great. In a time where people don’t fact-check and let their AIs do the thinking, Russia started to poison LLMs with Russian propaganda.
#genai #chatgpt #openai #propaganda #russia #putin
c't-Webinar: Produktiver Einsatz von Sprach-KI
Das Webinar erklärt, wie Sie Sprachmodelle effizient einsetzen, typische Fehler vermeiden und rechtliche Aspekte wie Datenschutz sowie Urheberrecht umsetzen.
New Scientist has used freedom of information laws to obtain the ChatGPT records of Peter Kyle, the UK's technology secretary, in what is believed to be a world-first use of such legislationFrom https://www.newscientist.com/article/2472068-revealed-how-the-uk-tech-secretary-uses-chatgpt-for-policy-advice/
These records show that Kyle asked ChatGPT to explain why the UK’s small and medium business (SMB) community has been so slow to adopt AI. ChatGPT returned a 10-point list of problems hindering adoption, including sections on “Limited Awareness and Understanding”, “Regulatory and Ethical Concerns” and “Lack of Government or Institutional Support”.Apparently it didn't say "because it's unhelpful and probably harmful to most SMB problems" or "what on earth are you doing asking a computer this you fool?".
#OpenAI is teaching #ChatGPT to spew out #MAGA loyalty signals like ”All lives matter” in response to #BlackLivesMatter. ”Avoiding moral authority” in questions like Palestine. Teaching it that ”it’s a complicated question” is the wrong answer to nonsense constructions aimed to discredit a minority
USA is the wrong place to build a machine that will steer the intellectual development of the coming human race
It’ll come on the side of soft eugenics & false equivalencies
KI-Update: Talk unter KIs, KI-Songkopien, Neutronensterne lokalisieren
Das "KI-Update" liefert werktäglich eine Zusammenfassung der wichtigsten KI-Entwicklungen.
If you needed another reason to distrust AI, while I was writing a blog post, I asked #ChatGPT just what my faction was voting for in the “Stuff the Ballots” strategy. It answered, and cited my blog as one of its sources.
Dude. I may write a lot about #Malifaux, but I am the farthest thing from an authority. I just started playing.
KI-Management – lernen Sie in fünf Sessions KI-Tools im Unternehmen einzuführen
Ab dem 19. Mai lernen Sie, Künstliche Intelligenz in Arbeitsprozesse zu integrieren: von Prompting über Implementierung bis zu Regulierung und Ethik.
ChatGPT: Please write something super troll-y and provocative for ppl to dunk on me on BlueSky and Mastodon but then don't let me experience any backlash - I just want the attention. KTHXBYE
Hannah Arendt über #ChatGPT & Co.:
La semaine dernière, @hubertguillaud nous invitait à découvrir les mythes de l'IA.
Aujourd'hui, nous en explorons un à travers un exemple concret !
« #ChatGPT : le mythe de la productivité », à découvrir sur le Framablog : https://danslesalgorithmes.net/2024/09/17/chatgpt-le-mythe-de-la-productivite/
Bien entendu, avec le renforcement humain on arrive à filtrer des horreurs, mais le modèle ne change pas fondamentalement. Ici un exemple de ce que produisait #chatgpt à sa sortie (qu'il ne produit plus maintenant) :