Small lunchtime #diy project - this towel rail has been collecting dust in the cupboard for years. Now it's finally on the bathroom wall where it belongs!
Small lunchtime #diy project - this towel rail has been collecting dust in the cupboard for years. Now it's finally on the bathroom wall where it belongs!
Frage in die #Reparatur-Bubble: Wie sind die Erfahrungen im Bereich Display-Tausch bei #Pocketbook? Ich hab hier ein Touch HD 3 mit defektem Display/Touch. Hat das schonmal jemand getauscht? Falls ja, welches Display habt ihr verbaut und ging das gut von der Hand? Auf ifixit sieht es ja recht easy aus, den Akku zu tauschen, aber zum Display hatte ich nichts gesehen. #DIY #Repair
Good spot for a small sawmill?
Under the five oaks the predecessor planted 40 years ago.
Easy access with the tractor, can pull a log alongside and stack drying lumber in front where the wind ventilates it. Away from the house for noise and dust.
Maybe some point foundations to roll the beam onto. And need to pick a second good beam as the other one supposed to go here crumbled to bits.
The leaves might be a bit annoying in late autumn.
Ich habe Post für euch
Werkstatt Update 0.4
Wie man aus einer Esche, einen Ahorn und daraus wieder eine Esche macht
Wie ihr sicher noch alle wisst, mein erster Primitivbogen nähert sich langsam der Zielgeraden. Für diesen Werkstatttag war geplant, die letzten Bleistiftstriche mit Sandpapier beseitigen, Standhöhe ermitteln, die Enden wo die Bogensehen aufliegt mit Wicklungen zu befestigen und ggf. auch noch das Griffstück mit einer Lederwicklung zu versehen. Weiterhin wollten wir auch noch die Zugkraft des Bogens ermitteln, damit das Hirn mal so eine Zahl hat zum Vergleichen.....
Der ganze Beitrag steht bei uns auf der Homepage,
das auc hTeil vom Fediverse ist. Schaut mal da bitet rein.
#DIY #Archery #Bogensport #Bogenbau #Bogenschießen
RE: https://uhc-elster.de/?p=2671
Wrenching today turned into a good news/bad news situation. Good news: I'm getting my money's worth out of my QuickJacks. Better news: I fixed my transmission! Replaced the solenoids, filter, and fluid, plus the plastic bits circled in the photo, which are a common failure point. These were almost certainly original, meaning 16 years and 226K miles old. Yikes!
Bad news: the water pump crapped the bed half a mile into my test drive. Sigh.
#WeirdCarMastodon #WrenchEveryDay #BMW #E90 #DIY
A l'occaz des '"International Open Hackerspace Day" le Tetalab un petit événement sur Toulouse pendant lequel nous proposerons diverses tables rondes, ateliers et lives !
Merci de faire tourner !
Le programme : ci dessous
It's done! Here's the epic moment after the 11m concrete beam has left the yard (leaving a nice brown skidmark).
I was going to film it, but the gusty wind blew the camera over before it got interesting.
The other beam was damaged and broke in half, leading to some sketchy cutting of rebar under load (ping!) and dragging two halves out. Had to shovel the concrete debris out of the garden, that took even longer.
No more stupid concrete in the garden
Wir haben #MC4 kompatible #Solar Stecker getestet.
Hier unsere Tipps: https://balkon.solar/news/2025/03/19/mc4-stecker-ohne-crimpen-anbringen/
Do you know a portable audio player who is:
- OpenHardware
- LibreSoftware
I want to mount it myself, from buying the PCB, soldering the components, etc.
And in the future, I would like to be able to customize it.
Our dryer stopped working. After some investigation I discovered our motor pulley exploded. The motor pulley (not idler pulley) is screwed onto the shaft of the motor and makes the belt turn. It kind of looks like a oddly shaped bobbin with screw threads. A replacement part is only $8! Hopefully it will work.
if my 18yo dryer has had every part of it replaced, is it still my dryer?
I just did what I couldn't manage yesterday due to time constraints: Replacing the analog sticks of my PS3 controller I use for speedrunning Metroid Dread.
The old ones were worn out. The new ones are also used but offer much more grip.
Used this opportunity to also do a little fix. Adding a thin layer of paper to the foam pressing the button layer to the controllers circuit board prevents from automatic and unintended button presses.
our MOST EXPENSIVE table build (using DIY skills)
#homemade #resinandwood #decor #Concrete #diyproject #love #woodwork #interiordesign #fyp #Howto #resincraft #fy #handmade #epoxypour #foryoupage #epoxyresin #resinpour #FURNITURE #epoxytable #festool #craft #art #homedecor #diy #diyepoxy #diycraft #wood #resinart #bhfyp #woodworking #epoxyart #epoxyresinjewelry #diyproject...
@rooftopjaxx is #DIY make it a part of the story :)