Hi everyone!
I hope you're doing well,
Is there any person here from the #SWANA region (especially #northafrica) that uses #FLOSS tools in their practices?
Thanks and have a good evening
Hi everyone!
I hope you're doing well,
Is there any person here from the #SWANA region (especially #northafrica) that uses #FLOSS tools in their practices?
Thanks and have a good evening
Some 𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘦 nice, nostalgic 2000's era ad mockups done by a talented #graphicdesign artist - RetroB0y, showing a glimpse of what it'd look like if the #SteamDeck was released in the early 2000s! Just two more, but I do so love these.
I love reading old uploads and scans of the old #PlayStation / #Sony ads made and run in the early 2000s for the #PS2 in magazines and other print media. So seeing these makes me feel...idk, just happy!
No matter what, these are a treat :)
Geometria de la letra romana mayuscula y minuscula...
Andres Ramirez, Don Francisco Assensio Y Mejorada
Item date: 1780.
Courtesy #LetterformArchive
#book #graphicdesign
highres: https://oa.letterformarchive.org/item?workID=lfa_writingmanuals_0014&targPic=lfa_writingmanuals_0014_052.jpg
Design Milk : Printworks Introduces Chess Set for New Yorker Centennial https://design-milk.com/printworks-introduces-chess-set-for-new-yorker-centennial/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=printworks-introduces-chess-set-for-new-yorker-centennial #ChristophNiemann #graphicdesign #accessories #newyorkcity #boardgames #Printworks #Lifestyle #accessory #boardgame #NewYorker #chessset #chess #games #Main #game
Some nice, nostalgic 2000's era ad mockups done by a talented #graphicdesign artist - RetroB0y, showing a glimpse of what it'd look like if the #SteamDeck was released in the early 2000s.
These remind me so strongly of the #PlayStation / #Sony ads made and run in the early 2000s for the #PS2 in magazines and other print media.
No matter what, these are a treat!
On the topic of graphic design, are there any good fedi-style services for hosting a portfolio? Behance isn't for me.
Concept and graphics for an isometric iOS racing game in a minimalistic voxel-style, made in 2010.
A friend started coding it, but couldn't find enough time to finish it.
I published the graphics on several showcase sites. Four years later, Crossy Road appeared with a similar isometric voxel style, and was a big hit.
I was honored when many years later, Factor 5's Lutz Osterkorn ordered my game voxel artworks for his bedroom wall. He sent me these photos.
Intersectional #feminism gives us the power to break roles and patterns, to identify and tag different aggresions and oppressions we suffer at different levels everyday, and to fight against them by poiting at them and educating our environment.
Combative day (and so the rest of the year).
I love that one of my go-to typefaces, Alegreya, designed by Argentinian typeface foundry Huerta Tipográfica and distributed as open source fonts, features three different and very expressive #ampersands across its variants.
Hoy es el #DíaContraLaGordofobia y lo que muchas veces oímos como "preocupación por nuestra salud" no son sólo más que prejuicios y discriminación hacia los cuerpos no normativos porque no entramos en los cánones de belleza actuales.
Something not music-related today! A couple of years ago I fell deeply in love with ceramics. I love shaping clay with my hands I love recycling and reusing it again and again. I love that I can shape it into almost every shape I can imagine and create art pieces for everyday use.
It is not a very accessible craft though since it requires a lot of space and some very expensive equipment - at least if you want to be making food-safe and watertight ceramics. So it took me a long time to get going and start creating the pots I imagined. My process is very slow and careful, sometimes it takes me months to finish a mug, bowl, palette or figurine. I am happy to have found a ceramic artist close to where I live who fires my work and happy to have a partner who is unbothered by the fact that I use our bathroom as a pottery studio sometimes, throwing wheel and all!
If you want to check out some of my creations, feel free to take a peek at my etsy shop: https://radiculacrafts.etsy.com
For now I want to present you with my new logo I designed, inspired by snowdrops, some actual snowdrops I spotted today and my most popular ceramic item: a small travel palette you can take on all your creative adventures
I'll be sharing more in the future, but am thinking about a separate pottery account for that, but maybe not? What do the more mastodon-savvy people among you you think?
Ruben Suprapto Sukonto, theater programs, Semarang, Indonesia, ca. 1931–34.
SN stands for Sine Nomine [Latin: without a name], which was a student organization at a school in Semarang.
We’d love to know more about this artist, who was perhaps influenced by Hendrik Wijdeveld (posting tomorrow), but with a style all their own. See the six pamphlets in the Online Archive: https://oa.letterformarchive.org/?dims=Name_KEY&vals0=SOEKONTOSOEPRAPTO&friendly0=Soekonto%25comma%20Soeprapto
#IndonesianDesign #SoepraptoSoekonto #1930s #Lettering #GraphicDesign