In Japan, today, February 24, is a substitute holiday for Emperor's Birthday (Tenno Tanjobi in Japanese). #emperorsbirthday #substituteholiday #holiday #fedibird
(国民の祝日・天皇誕生日の)振替休日の月曜日☆ #emperorsbirthday #substituteholiday #holiday #fedibird
In Japan, today, February 23, is a national holiday called Emperor's Birthday (Tenno Tanjobi in Japanese). #emperorsbirthday #nationalholiday #holiday #fedibird
本日2月23日は国民の祝日・天皇誕生日(Emperor's Birthday)です。 #emperorsbirthday #nationalholiday #holiday #fedibird
It’s Louis Riel Day here in Manitoba. Look him up, if you’re interested. The Golden Boy too. Enjoy your day! #LouisRielDay #holiday #monday #goldenboy #winnipeg #manitoba
We, #Appalachians, love our #holiday #traditions.
While many customs align with broader, modern Valentine’s Day practices, there are unique #Appalachian twists—practical in decades past and still cherished today.
“How do you address children who don’t celebrate Tu Bishvat, Purim, or Pesach?"
This is an excellent question as we approach busy #holiday #seasons like Purim, Pesach, Shavuot, all that. It is extremely important to be mindful and respectful of everyone’s wishes as far as #celebrating #holidays or not celebrating holidays.
In Japan, today, February 11, is a national holiday called National Foundation Day (Kenkoku Kinen no Hi in Japanese). #nationalfoundationday #nationalholiday #holiday #fedibird
本日2月11日は国民の祝日・建国記念の日(National Foundation Day)です。なお、“建国記念の日”は法律で定められた名称であり、“建国記念日”という呼称は誤り。 #nationalfoundationday #nationalholiday #holiday #fedibird
In Japan, today, January 13, is a national holiday called Coming of Age Day (Seijin no Hi in Japanese). #comingofageday #nationalholiday #holiday #fedibird
本日1月13日は国民の祝日・成人の日(Coming of Age Day)です。 #comingofageday #nationalholiday #holiday #fedibird
We're live TONIGHT with #Christmas / #Holiday #retro #websites!
These real 90s website streams are my favorite segment, so don't worry if it's slightly late the websites are 30 years old anyway they don't know it's a week or two late.
stream tomorrow!! #Holiday retro websites, 90s gifs and more!!
A lil late considering but trust me these are very fun streams, bring suggestions into chat if you got 'em!!
Remember to (sigh) like comment and subscribe! I'm at the mercy of The Algorithm on YouTube. Maybe Loops will suck less, I'll try it when it's out of beta