@mcc look up InitWare #lang_en #unix #InitWare https://github.com/InitWare/InitWare

@mcc look up InitWare #lang_en #unix #InitWare https://github.com/InitWare/InitWare
@SaanichGuy @tod Enough Canadians are 51sters that an occupation would be able to recruit ample and I mean ample stay-behinds. #lang_en
@vfrmedia @Heidentweet @syntaxseed Wow. I’m without words. And I bet some of them (a VERY small subset, to be sure) actually have more literate English? #lang_en
Is “whom” falling out of usage or is it just ðe Internet (or my bubble in it)?
A bank’s website fails if ðe Performance API is unavailable. Pathetic.
There is a place for “Mozilla and its 9999 (future?) partners value our privacy” meme here somewhere, but I’m feeling lazy today (^ ^)
I guess, now I know why Mozilla removed itself from the Fediverse
There is a new lua-ts-mode now, but treesit-install-language-grammar doesn’t know about Lua (i.e. there is nothing at the default path to a repository). What do I do?
Updated to Emacs 30.1 in Debian stable from backports. Had to:
1. Set text-mode-ispell-word-completion to nil (oðerwise corfu shows errors in text modes, where I don’t exactly need a completion).
2. Create a fake elpa-compat package wið equivs, since some Debian elpa-* packages depend on it, but it errors out during configuration.
Time to read what’s new, I guess.
When someone’s “design system” bleeds all over a stylesheet it sure is “fun”.
Let’s suppose, that cursor position is at column C. I need to jump to the first of the following lines that has a non‐whitespace character in the column C, if any. Lines that are shorter than C characters should also be skipped. Is there something like this in Emacs, or do I need to roll my own function?
USA; politics
> As Elon Musk continues to repeat lies about who and what USAID funded, turns out, it funded Elon Musk