Cybercriminals Exploit #CSS to Evade #Spam Filters and Track #Email Users' Actions
Hi, #Today I decided to try to #getfedihired — I've got many years of experience with web development, programming and production (#HTML, #CSS, #Javascript), I can make myself useful in anything on the open-source side of back end, i.e. the #Perl, #Python, #PHP, #MySQL, #Linux kind of area.
I live in #Sydney Australia and would be happy to work in-office, remote or hybrid.
Let me know of any opportunities, or pass this on to anyone else who might know of something? Thanks.
Split and assemble an image with a cool hover effect and a few lines of code. Single-element implementation (the image tag) powered by CSS mask.
New Kitten release
• Now leaves <style> tags within <template> tags alone when collating and normalising the CSS on a page so as not to interfere with scoped styles in declarative shadow DOM.
(Kitten’s Streaming HTML workflow¹ – which uses htmx and WebSockets under the hood – combined with built-in support for slots, etc., in Kitten components² means the use of declarative shadow DOM is mostly useful if you want scoped styles. Ideally, of course, use classes to scope styles to your components and be specific in your CSS selectors in general so as not to pollute elements in your components. Although that’s a bit like saying you should floss everyday. Yeah, we all know we should…) :)
Update: All that said, I’d highly recommend you don’t use Shadow DOM in your Kitten apps. For one thing, htmx’s WebSocket extension doesn’t seem to play well with it. And for another, you really don’t need it and definitely not just to get scoped CSS.
Because I saw a @codepen demo creating a hex grid using my well over a decade old nested and reverted transforms technique to get the shape + MQs...
Here's a super simple modern #CSS grid + clip-path + mathematical functions responsive version with no breakpoints
My silly custom CSS turned out to be a Kuleshov Effect generator : Jessica Fletcher's face seems to react differently to each of your posts.
But, mostly, it's renewing my sense of wonder, I mean, look at that duck go, it's amazing that birds even exist.
Recommended follow: @frankobert
A simple CSS code to smoothly stop the rotation of your element on hover. The rotation will resume smoothly on mouse-out as well.
#HTML #CSS #ВебДизигн
#Вопрос: а как на этом сайте [] реализовали буквицу?
По ходу это приделано к itemprop, но как?
amazing what a few lines of #CSS can do
#Вопрос: а почему hyphens: auto;
не используется всеми, всгда и повсеместно?
An infinite logos animation? Here is the real infinite logos animations!
This is wild. I began designing and building websites in 1995. From today, in 2025, I’ve been designing and writing code for most of the internet’s existence.
#Web #Internet #Design #Code #HTML #CSS #WebDesign
From the CSS Working Group meeting today…
RESOLVED: Add a 'size' shorthand property (for 'width'/'height'), no relation to @page's 'size' descriptor
heise+ | Webservices programmieren in Go: Frontends entwickeln
Ein Webservice wird mit einem guten Frontend schick und praktisch. Wir zeigen, wie Sie eines programmieren und mit CSS stylen, das Fehleingaben vorbeugt.
The "glowing" collection:
Single-element and 100% CSS magic!
Pick your favorite one
Also, inspired by this post by @rauschma I made the Navigation menu toggle in mobile/narrow viewports work without JS. Neat!
However to make it more accessible I set aria-expanded to true or false, which you can't do with CSS. So I had to use JS for that. So JS is a requirement for accessibility apparently.