Thinking about the wasteful nature of #LLMs got me thinking about waste in my own development. While it can be convenient to use the large, enterprise-grade frameworks to deliver a minimalist website in 2025 - it's absurd.
Do I really need #laravel with #react, #jquery, #tailwind, #webFonts, #postgres to host some simple #markdown?
Do I need to re-render a bunch of static content at every hit? Does every simple article require 64 connections to the server to display?
I think not.
I want my material to be available to anyone who wants it - regardless of the device they are using or the robustness of their connection.
I want to respect users who disable #javascript for their personal protection.
I want to respect #ScreenReaders and users of assistive technology, without unnecessary complexity.
Everything we need is built into the HTML and CSS specs.