Pazifismus endet dort, wo er dem Faschismus den Weg bereitet.
#LifeHack für Fake-Antifas.
Pazifismus endet dort, wo er dem Faschismus den Weg bereitet.
#LifeHack für Fake-Antifas.
Dont feed the Seelöwen. Außer vielleicht mit ´nem Troll.
#lifehack #servicetroet
‘LifeHack’ Review: A Pulse-Pounding Screenlife Heist Film
#Variety #Reviews #LifeHack #RonanCorrigan #SXSW #TimurBekmambetov
Here's a little #kitchen #experiment.
I made a big batch of noodle stuff and decided to freeze a few single serving bags but every time I do that it doesn't fit in the bowl to reheat..so how about freeze it in a bowl and then take it out when it's done.
Normally I have a difficult time giving all my hobbies enough room.
Now the lifehack is to consider books, manga and Visual Novels as literature and your hobby is just reading.
Evelyn Burdecki hatte in Köln eine peinliche Autopanne mit einem geliehenen Wagen!
Some nice tips for deactivating Windows 11 settings you don't want / need:
@phocks Don't you have an attic? Boxes find that a very cosy place, for years on end I assure you.
Mine's got boxes that have moved house 2-3 times without ever being opened.
#lifehack: static #electricity use-case
How can I get over decision paralysis?
It goes beyond trusting your gut, but that is part of it.
Achtung Gärtner, aufgepasst! ;)
#Lifehack für die Vorzuchtsaison: Alte Plastikbecher (Tzazicki, Joghurt, etc) wie im Bild gezeigt zerschneiden und als Pflanzschilder verwenden.
Die eignen sich ideal, um viele einzelne Jungpflanzen zu kennzeichnen, sind mehrfach verwend- und mit Edding beschriftbar. Selbiger ist zwar wasserfest (ihr könnt also bedenkenlos drüber gießen) aber abrubbelbar - ihr könnt die Schildchen nächste Saison also wiederverwenden.
Waiting is annoying, stresses you out and makes time go by at half-speed.
That's the perfect moment to practice mindfulness. You can reduce your stress twice as effectively in that bonus time.
#WearAMask is not only good for your health, it also confuses the shit out of face recognition systems. #LifeHack
You remember how Google search used to be awesome? You could put in the randomest thing and it would find it for you? There was even the button to go straight to the first result because we were THAT SURE it would be what we wanted?
Then the SEO Wars and AI killed that, and now even searching directly for a company by name because you forgot their phone number brings up absolute garbage.
Yesterday I was looking up the number for Aspen Hill Plumbing, who I use all the time. They’re good over email and I loathe the phone, but I needed to get a hold of them immediately.
Post by [thepit.social]@ebooksyearn View on Mastodon
Google not only showed me an ad for a competitor first, they also USED THE NAME OF THE COMPANY I WAS LOOKING FOR. This is absolutely not okay. Showing the competitor first because they bought a competitor’s name as a search term is slimy but totally accepted nowadays. But presenting one company as another? I’ve never seen that before on a reputable website.
Then this morning I saw this.
And you know what? It fucking works.
Post by [thepit.social]@ebooksyearn View on Mastodon
You don’t even have to spell the profanity right.
I think what we need now is a “Let Me Google That For You” for the AI Era – you type your search term, and it adds profanity and returns you the results you’re actually looking for.
A tip for when it's cold outside…
When you get into a train, bus or car and take off your gloves, place them on your seat and sit on them for the duration of the ride. They will be comfortably warm when you put them on again to go outside.
My dad once came up with this, and I do it ever since.
Awesome, isn't it!? Let's go! #lifehack #illustration #art #artist #stress #animation