研究怎麼讓 Kick Drum 不要糊成一沱的時候意外變得特別 groovy
Ourobonic Plague – G.A.: Zero. Crystallisation
Lo-fi electro industrial beats that make masterful use of Stygian atmospheres to create an evocative sonic space.
AudioThing Reels tape emulation plugin on sale for $35 USD https://rekkerd.org/audiothing-reels-tape-emulation-plugin-on-sale/
I'm looking for some specific music recommendations please!
I've recently stumbled across YouTube music channels in jazz-like genres sort of adjacent to LoFi, such as:
However, these are AI generated
I would love to listen to similar music by actual musical artists, preferably on BandCamp so I can get FLACs, but I don't know where to start. Searching for "LoFi" brings up music with more hip-hop beats, and "jazz" gives me music with vocals and is more traditional. I like this more background music fusion sound.
Thank you for any names you send my way!!
Super VHS 1980s Lofi Plugin by Baby Audio on sale for $19 USD https://rekkerd.org/baby-audio-super-vhs-1980s-lofi-plugin-sale/
What have you built in Poliworld? I just finished my own cozy city, and now I’d love to see yours. Share a picture of your creation in the comments!
Also, we may release a patch soon to fix some issues.
Play Poliworld here:
Poliworld is out now for Linux and Windows!
Directo cortito de coworking y desarrollando juegos...
A Monday off from work, should you be so blessed, is a great day to spend some time discovering indie music! Here are this week's 5 entries in the Other People's Music series:
Mid-'00s indietronica, chill lo-fi hauntology, chiptune, DnB and a little alt-rock!
There are very few things on Earth that I can't mentally associate with a Guided by Voices song cause they've written about every subject that has ever popped into Bob Pollard's head for decades
I’m citrongrau, a new face in the music scene. I produce a smooth blend of lo-fi, ambient, jazzy tunes, & electronica. Let’s vibe together!
Re- #introduction time
I'm River, red fox on the Internet. Used to be blue (of course) but now I've (almost) got that sweet natural color.
People say I smell like tangerines
I mentioned a lo-fi plugin I made with cell phone codecs, and I just published an initial release! There are some features that are still in the works, but there are plugin files available for macOS, and the codecs and downsampling work:
Just a reminder, you can listen to Lo-fi music in the terminal.
Give it a try
better days, in #abstract
Out now:
Lofi microtonal beats to avoid brain damage to.
This is music made as a protest, the only form of protest that is currently available to me.
Free on faircamp:
For a small fee that is a funny number on bandcamp:
Bonjour ! Mise à jour de mon #introduction, comme c’est la saison
#Sentientiste, donc radicalement à gauche, opposé à toutes formes d’oppression contre les humains et non humains en capacité de souffrir.
Entre–autres je milite principalement au @PMeduses
Mon #Anticapitalisme s’applique au numérique, j’utilise principalement des #logicielsLibres.
Avec @goldensuneur on pratique l’#autoHebergement de la très grande majorité de nos services web.
On est sur le Fédivers depuis la vague d’avril 2017. Très enthousiaste par l’interopérabilité proposée par ActivityPub, je teste tous les outils fédérés et contribue à #Iceshrimp.
Je m’intéresse à l’#hygieneNumerique depuis plus de 15 ans et tente d’en faire profiter les camarades avec de la vulgarisation et mise en place d’outils dans des collectifs.
Je suis un kiffeur de clavier 3×5 grâce à #ErgoL !
#Photographie, j’utilise des focales fixe. Depuis peu je prends beaucoup de plaisir à découvrir le monde des objectifs vintage et expérimentaux !
Chaque jeudi je crée et publie sur le @blogablocs avec un thème imposé.
#Musique, de loin ma plus grande source de plaisir. Elle rythme mes journées du réveil au couché.
#Metal et #Progressif pour les émotions.
#Punk et #Rap pour les paroles militantes.
#Electro et #Hyperpop pour l’énergie
#LoFi et #Ambient pour le travail et les siestes.
Rien ne fait plus battre mon cœur que les concerts
#intro #introductionFR