Read more in the release blog post: https://moehrenzahn.de/flyleaf-2-2/
Read more in the release blog post: https://moehrenzahn.de/flyleaf-2-2/
Wonderful #NeoFinder praise:
"Firstly again, love this product, it changed my life, before this I was working on a half written and never updates excel and memory, now I can find it all quickly!"
James B., Norwich, UK
heise+ | Linux auf exotischer Hardware: Fedora Asahi Remix statt macOS
Das Asahi-Linux-Projekt entwickelt einen Fedora-Abkömmling als alltagstaugliche Linux-Distribution für Macs mit M-Chips. So installieren Sie Linux neben macOS.
Shadowsora Soraboy v1.1.1 VSTI3 Windows MacOS [FREE]
Soraboy is a free VSTi3 synth plugin for creating chiptune sounds inspired by the Nintendo Gameboy. From v1.1, Wave and Noise channel m
@EUCommission Dejad de imponer reglas y exigir que #Apple abra sus dispositivos y tecnologías a terceros.
Quien quiera más interoperabilidad que no compre productos de Apple.
Los que compramos #iOS y #macOS lo hacemos por su fiabilidad y seguridad. Algo que estáis comprometiendo con todo esto.
Al final sólo conseguís que a #EU no lleguen nuevas funcionalidades por estas políticas estúpidas.
Q: Is there a way to find for photos that don't have Location name in #NeoFinder for #macOS?
A: Yes, two ways, actually!
1. Use the label menu in the Inspector for the Location field.
2. Use the Find Editor, and put "##" into the "'Location' contains" search field. That way, you can combine that search with additional parameters, such as a creation year, or file kind.
Q: Is there a way to find for photos that don't have Location name in #NeoFinder?
A: Yes, two ways, actually!
Want to to delete all `foo` commands from your bash history. Here is how to do it with some bash kung-fu:
line=$(history | grep 'foo' | awk '{ print $1 }' | sort -r)
history -d $line
See https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/delete-command-from-history-linux-unix-osx-bash-shell/ for more info.
Auch wenn es mich selbst schon nervt, ich muss euch nochmal belaestigen...
Ich suche ab sofort einen neuen Job als #iOS und/oder #macOS Software-Entwickler. Ich hab viele Jahre Erfahrung auf dem Gebiet, kenne #ObjectiveC, #Swift, #SwiftUI, #Git, #Xcode und... naja, die ganze Toolchain drumherum eben.
Ich suche eine Remote-Only Festanstellung, keinen Freelance-Job (Vorzugsweise in Österreich, Deutschland geht aber auch). Wenn es in der Naehe von #Bregenz oder #Dornbirn ist, dann auch gerne Onsite.
Wenn ihr jemanden kennt, der jemanden kennt... ihr wisst schon.
Ich danke euch fuers rege Teilen/Boosten.
#Macos #mac Mac users, there’s an update to GIMP 3.0 called revision 1 that fixes missing tabs on the Colors windows
You will see the file ends with -1.dmg now.
Thank you to all who reported it!
tl;dr: What's your recommendation for a good Apple-ecosystem Mastodon app?
#macOS and #iOS users - It's time for me to revisit my choice of Mastodon apps. The one I'm using is completely dropping the ball when it comes to working with the system spellcheck and text replacement stuff. I'm constantly editing posts after seeing errors that *should* have been highlighted as I type.
The one thing that Mona has that I didn't see in other apps was the ability to group like notifications, so I get one "these people liked your post" message as opposed to a bunch of individual ones. It seems like such a no-brainer that I assume the other apps have that, too, now?
heise+ | Hackintosh mit AMD Ryzen 9000 bauen: macOS 15 auf aktueller PC-Hardware
Lust auf macOS, aber keine auf Apples Hardware? Dann bauen sie sich doch einen Hackintosh. Das geht sogar mit dem neusten macOS 15 und aktuellen CPUs.
This was a complex topic to describe in the NeoFinder Users Guide, but important anyway.
My #NeoFinder 8.8 for #macOS can write Album memberships into media files through the contextual menu of an Album or a file.
The NeoFinder Users Guide has been updated with all details:
#NeoFinder 8.8 for #macOS now enables users to write Album memberships into media files through the contextual menu of an Album or a file.
The NeoFinder Users Guide has been updated with all details:
Resident Evil 3 arriva su iPhone, iPad e Mac
#AppStore #Capcom #GameNews #Gamer #Gaming #iOS #iPad #iPadOS #iPhone #Mac #macOS #Notizie #Novità #Prezzo #Requisiti #ResidentEvil #ResidentEvil3 #Tecnologia #VideoGame #Videogiochi
Vivaldi 7.2 is out. Big launch for us. I hope you enjoy it!
Error messages?
Not so much fun to develop, but important nonetheless!
So. If you try to generate a video contact sheet of a file format or codec that my #NeoFinder 8.8 for #macOS currently (!, hint hint) doesn't support, you will now get a proper error message.
Oh my.
#Apple’s #iOS 19, #iPadOS 19, and #macOS 16 promise a unified, futuristic look. Executives bet on this overhaul to wow users.
Eso de que para una actualización del sistema tenga que descargarme la ISO completa, que puede ser de 15 G, solo sucede en macOS. No pongo en duda su eficacia, pero es el método más lento y cansino conocido. Pues eso, te jodes y bailas, que a falta de pan buenas son tortas.
Así que cuando habléis de las maravillas de macOS, no paséis por alto la maravilla de su sistema de actualización.
So, here's my actually-planned-for-this-year #MARCHintosh project. Attached is a photo of four very dusty containers full of floppy disks. These are the actual disks from my childhood IIfx!
Most of these disks aren't original. The originals lived at Dad's workplace. He would periodically bring home software from work, make a copy of the disks, and return the originals to work. These were, I'm told, the "off-site backups", in case there was a fire at the workplace or something like that. But we also had all this software installed on the family IIfx so Dad could read any files that he brought home from work with him.
Of course, we also bought our own software for the home, and those are mixed in with these disks as well. And that stack of CD-ROMs in the top left are my MacAddict cover disks - those are already archived.
Anyway, because these are just consumer-grade diskettes, they degrade quicker than the professionally-manufactured original ones. I've already lost a few, so I want to get these archived! And of course, anything that doesn't already exist on the Garden will be uploaded there and shared on #GlobalTalk as well.
(expect this to be a long-ass foone-style thread with lots of updates over several days)