UK politics, social security / benefit payments, mh--, semi-suicide threat, but also stubborn enough to live just to spite the wannabe-tories
... ok so these fuckers really ARE trying to kill us.
relevant af https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e9ROtVQt98s
I'm so close to the fucking edge this year.
I got a 1 kg bag of tapioca pearls for boba tea to make cheaper at home so I can still have a treat. Saw the price tag and was like "hmmm. *Do* I want / deserve an easy sweet treat I can add nutrient powder to as needed and sip for hydration?"
I got it in the end, but everyone deserves nice things. Yes, even the people you hate. Even the asshole down the street. Maybe if they got nice things and felt nicer, they might be kinder to people around them, idfk.