"I'll have one with just a smidge of purple here and there."
"I'll have one with just a smidge of purple here and there."
Favorite photo from Chicago a few yrs ago. Had recently purchased a Nikon 40mm macro lens which is also an excellent street lens. This trip I decided to restrict myself to the the 40mm only. It was a great challenge and I learned a lot
The joy of photography is having infinite subjects. The tragedy of photography is not having enough time to photograph them all. This is from two yrs ago. Definitely need make some time to look for more jumping spider's in my garden this year.
Like'n that lichen.
This is native (for me) wild hyacinth. Planted it in my garden2 yrs ago. As you can see it has a unique coloration that almost looks as though someone hand painted white streaks on top of lavender petals. Part of my attempts to find native alternatives to traditional garden favorites.
Spiral galaxy 278O (the "o" is for ouchies) in the constellation Gemini.
Truly admire the work of underwater photographers. Would love to try. But in landlocked Iowa the opportunity is unlikely & I have to catch fish from the surface. This is from 2 yrs ago. Gotta see if I can "catch" more fish this year.
American tree sparrow along the Iowa River Trail.
A little leaf-cutter on zinnia to warm things up?
A bit o' mass bloom to get your morning motivation?
House wren preparing.
Feel like a purple phlox kinda Monday morning.
Sweat bee on magenta zinnia.
I love these zinnias (likely California giant variety). They're gorgeous in my garden and they really pop in macro photos
American robin inspecting last year's crabapples.
Viceroy contemplating strategy.