> dthompson: get in losers, we're going consing
#lisp #lispgames
> dthompson: get in losers, we're going consing
#lisp #lispgames
@screwtape Scheme (50 years) had a similar breaking change version, R6RS, that handles Unicode and has some essential libraries built in. And then the recidivists rejected it and made a broken R7RS that doesn't do that stuff, and maybe in 5-10 years there'll be an R7RS-large that's halfway usable.
All these languages have problems with churn or lack thereof, both are bad.
#lisp #scheme
@screwtape But: Common Lisp hasn't evolved much since ANSI because it was a knife-fight committee compromise, and nobody's willing to go back to trench warfare over it.
Python had one big breaking change version in 34 years, but does get new PEPs every version (IMO too many). print was the most visible, but the way strings worked was completely rewritten in 3.0 to support Unicode sanely. Which CL still doesn't, really.
I’m an amateur lisper, mostly #Guile and #EmacsLisp, but if someone wants to team up for this #GameJam, I’d be interested!
I also do some basic art, game design, sound, and music. I wouldn’t want to be the sole programmer for this jam but could definitely contribute there and would love to learn more #Lisp.
The Spring Lisp Game Jam is happening once again! Join us for 10 days of consing up little games starting on May 9th!
I am once again faced with the bleak irony of people who install onto their computer some 5 or 10 apps via FlatPak or Docker, including VSCode, each installed with their own entire copies of Node.js and Electron.js (differing only in their minor revision number), while also complaining about Emacs being “bloated” because it ships with a miniature web browser and fully-featured e-mail client.
#lispyGopherClimate #live #programming #lisp #podcast
I'll interviews next week everyone, thanks for humoring me this week
@kentpitman #climateCrisis #haiku
I'm fasting for some edicalmay rocedurepay so "low energy hangout" please.
I will throw you some primary journalism on the US/NZ/UK #ai #toTheHilt policy as it is existing now in practice.
Then I want to talk about programming that matters and why running the same llm again (faster) doesn't matter.
I'm happy to share a new release of #mcclim
McCLIM 0.9.9 Ostara
Medley now comes with a new modernization feature that improves text editing: the arrow keys move the cursor as expected in TEdit, Execs, and most editing fields (but not SEdit). Here the cursor moves under arrow key control in TEdit.
In classic Medley the cursor was moved with the mouse and TEdit had some keyboard support for cursor movement but not via the arrow keys.
Download medley-250224-3aa58b63 or later. Cursor keys currently don't work on Medley Online.
If you consider supporting my work on #FOSS here's the most recent update regarding McCLIM. It contains a bunch of videos showing progress (I've shared all of them on this profile too):
And for those who already do support me -- thank you! :)
#lispyGopherClimate #lisp #programming #podcast #live Wednesday 0UTC https://archives.anonradio.net/202503050000_screwtape.mp3
#climateCrisis #haiku and #risk #inequality #essay by @kentpitman
#libre #archive update from @hairylarry https://gamerplus.org/@hairylarry/114106383066762290
#ELS2025 submissions extended to Sunday. #LaTeX #ACM #primer / past #proceedings
Notes from my first #language #parser #commonLisp #mcclim #chess
If there are guests, there are guests(?)
just started learning #lisp
already I don't like that NIL is a list, albeit empty
I guess it is an accident of history rather than intentional language design ...
So I just started a course on lisp.
What do people recommend for a beginner's environment?
1. which editor / ide? is emacs worth investing time to learn if my aim is really lisp not emacs?
2. which Common Lisp? sbcl? closure?
3. which extensions / lisp plugins eg SLIME?
I emphasise - beginner. Also I very much prefer to install standard macOS apps (dmg -> Applications) not "brew" etc
The Bitmap Font editor in #symbolics Genera, a #lispmachine
Hi there, had to move my account to symbolics@mastodon.social .
「 Common Lisp and Smalltalk are some of the last vestiges of a lost culture of programming that was intensely focused on feedback and live systems. I wouldn't claim that those cultures are superior to engineering cultures of today but I would say they prioritized a different set of values and they have much to learn from as a result 」
#lispyGopherClimate #lisp #softwareEngineering #podcast
#climate #haiku from @kentpitman
https://archives.anonradio.net/202502260000_screwtape.mp3 0UTC Wed!
Break from guests this week just
Richard P Gabriel's essay Incommensurability (2012) vs @robpike 's #Systems #software #Research is Irrelevant (2000).
Viz our interviews in the last two months with @nosrednayduj , Kent Pitman, @masinter , @sacha and @ramin_hal9001
Hang out in #lambdaMOO #live as always!
telnet lambda.moo.mud.org 8888
co guest
@join screwtape
MathB.in Is Shutting Down: https://susam.net/mathbin-is-shutting-down.html
It will go offline on Sunday, 16 March 2025. See the previous link for more details.
Are you writing or considering writing a Common Lisp book? I'm ready to buy your book or back your kickstarter.