@SrRochardBunson @redstateinsurgents
Related query. ST Microelectronics has a set of #LoRaWAN demo boards (P-NUCLEO-LRWAN2 and 3) for the 433/470 and 868/915 MHz #LoRa bands; has anyone tried repurposing them for #meshtastic?
@SrRochardBunson @redstateinsurgents
Related query. ST Microelectronics has a set of #LoRaWAN demo boards (P-NUCLEO-LRWAN2 and 3) for the 433/470 and 868/915 MHz #LoRa bands; has anyone tried repurposing them for #meshtastic?
Do I know any #HAMRadio operators anywhere near #Atlanta or the state of #Georgia?
Is anyone using CW and #Lora #Meshtastic?
What's the best place to buy #LoRa and/or #Meshtastic gear from?
I've drug my feet long enough on this. #ResilienceIsResistance
#Resilience To Buy list:
-GSW bandages and/or tourniquet
-paper maps
-brass knuckles
-#Meshtastic #LORA devices
#ResilienceIsResistance #AntifaAF #ResInt
Idea for this PR is to add a network bridge mode for repeaters.
This will let you take multiple LoRa radios, setup meshcore repeater firmware and listen on any number of channels or with different antenna setups and bridge the routing across those different channels with a shared Wifi link(the two dotted white boxes).
I've tested it for a few days and it's pretty amazing to see meshcore automatically finding bridged routes.
Writing my first meshcore PR
It's still a work-in progress, but having a lot of fun learning this code base!
Rapidly moving my meshtastic nodes over to meshcore
Going very smoothly so far. Meshcore is notably very fast at message delivery and delivery confirmations back to the sender.
Thinking I'll leave my primary meshtastic infrastructure nodes up and build meshcore nodes to deploy next to them so as the network matures I can do head to head comparisons.
Just blogged about the cheapest new #Meshtastic device I've been playing with. For £9.60 the XIAO ESP32S3 Wio-SX1262 is really straightforward and easy to get up and running. #opensource #lora https://concretedog.blogspot.com/2025/03/super-affordable-960-meshtastic-xiao.html
I've left my #meshtastic basestation up and running for no real reason - I'm simply not actually checking it much. Most of the message traffic on LongFast last time I looked was folks calling radio check.
Hey, friends? there's a helpful little icon next to every message you send which lets you know if any other node has received it. You don't actually need to call for a radio check, it's built in.
And then somebody started spamming LongFast with some kind of telemetry nonsense... not actual telemetry because it had fields like 'Ammo' which fluctuated by like dozens of rounds. Uhhh. If somebody's just dumping mags that makes the news PDQ.
So I've thought about just... not anymore. It was fun and novel for a bit there, but I am not getting much utility from it.
I may investigate #reticulum over #lora instead. The routing protocols are far more intelligent, the cryptographic design is better thought out...
IDK. I guess we'll see. Inertia is a hell of a thing.
Y'aurais pas des gens qui voudrait bidouiller avec du #meshtastic #lora sur #rennes
J'ai 3 noeuds lancé, mais je me sens bien seul, je capte personne.
Now back to the positive.
All is not lost, meshtastic is the biggest LoRa mesh and it sucks BUT its not the only one and the same mobile nodes and repeaters you'd use for meshtastic can be used on any other LoRa mesh.
I think the most exciting meshtastic alternative is Reticulum. It exists already, has a routing and security approach for the real world but might be too opinionated in some ways for some users. It's a bit of a grander vision
First the good.
The core tech of LoRa remains amazing.
The hardware has gotten DIRT CHEAP.
The idea that anyone can go buy a $10 circuit board, 3d print a case and have a radio that can talk privately to satellites or across town IS ground breaking!
The biggest break through lately is that the hardware IS good AND cheap at long last!
Ich habe meine Nodes ein wenig reduziert:
Da ich hier in #Schwerin der einzige bin / war, der 433 MHz genutzt hat, habe jetzt nur noch das SNG1 (868 MHz) #Gateway in Betrieb. Auch den externen #Sensor habe ich jetzt an dem Gateway angeschlossen.
Zurzeit nutzte ich auch nur den #SenseCAP Card Tracker T1000-E, weil er so schön einfach in meine Handytasche passt. Das Einzige, was da dann nicht mehr stimmt, ist die Temperatur, da er seine eigene
Beide Nodes habe ich, ohne mir vorab die Änderungen anzusehen, auf die zurzeit aktuelle Meshtastic Firmware 2.5.15 Beta geflasht.
Damit bin ich jetzt wieder offiziell online
#Notfallkommunikation #Meshtastic #Mesh #WAN #LoRa
@ovnn @kai
Oh to have a #lora mesh network interweb in my area.
Es gibt ein #bmdv gefördertes projekt. Im Raum #Braunschweig ( möglicherweise #hannover) werden an #bushaltestelle n #abfahrtsanzeiger angebracht. Epaper-display, vier buttons um verschiedene infos abzurufen. Die anzeiger haben kein stromanschlußkabel - laufen also per Akku. Aber wo kommen die echtzeitinfos her? Mobilfunk? Wifi? #Lora würde sich anbieten, dann muss der akku nicht so oft geladen werden.
Infos zu dem projekt konnte ich nicht finden. Aber wenn die infos wirklich per unvsrschlüsseltem Lora gesendet werden, wäre es ja möglich die mitzuhören?
Vielleicht teil von #MoHaWiV?
¡Directo de cacharreo!
Vamos a reparar la R36S, a investigar un poco sobre los componentes que nos han llegado y a continuar experimentando con la LoRa.
The Vecdec Cyberdeck is More than a Pretty Case - A common criticism we hear of cyberdecks is that functionality too often takes a b... - https://hackaday.com/2024/11/19/the-vecdec-cyberdeck-is-more-than-a-pretty-case/ #ergonomickeyboard #peripheralshacks #gesturesensor #cyberdecks #meshtastic #widescreen #lora
Ich habe heute Morgen die aktuelle TFT-GUI Version 2.5.12 kompiliert und auf meine T-Decks geflasht.
Obwohl die FW ja noch im absoluten Entwicklungsstadium ist, scheint sie diesmal bei mir, auch mit der neuen / aktuellen GUI zu funktionieren
Bisher konnte ich noch keine Fehler feststellen.
Ein großes Danke für die Arbeit bei der Entwicklung an Manuel