Since my sleep schedule is well and truly fucked (not sideways, but nearly completely upside down), what has this (succu)bard been up to the last 12 hours?
Well, let's see...
・recording a reading of a certain Elder Scrolls book
・dealing with my audio driver BSODing my computer
・editing typos in the book
・listening through the Skyrim and Oblivion soundtracks in their entirety to figure out what's sorta cozy and what's not
・trying to figure out how to make VLC have a proper dark mode (that has the same interface and isn't some wildly stunted "skin" from their website)
・wondering if I want to go through the Neverwinter Nights 1+2 OSTs and the Guild Wars 1 OSTs to pick out some more good music out of those
・spending what little energy long covid has left me with to jitter my legs around, for some reason
At least the audio track is finally finalised, I guess?